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Everything posted by darknight1

  1. I'll call up Chuck Norris. Only Chuck can prevent the end of the world from happening...permanently.
  2. I'm frustrated with him, EFG. The same as the other guy who just prompted me to give up. I can't get them to see the light here. It's not a "liberal" conspiracy to get everyone to do everything according to what "liberals" want. It's an appeal for everyone, liberal, conservative and moderate to tone it down so we won't be lead into violent conflict. Enough is enough. It's taken me a while to realize this. How do you argue with someone who's just happy listening to what Rupert Murdoch, a foreign citizen who has no business injecting his views into the nation? And a foreign citizen who clearly argues almost in favor of theocracy at that.
  3. Shatter Dead tops all of these movies. Look it up, and see how long you can make it through this horrible movie without wanting to blind yourself, shut it off, or kill yourself.
  4. I give. I can't convince a person that it's all sides who are indirectly responsible for political shootings through their words, especially when whomever the individual in question may be has been fed Fox News' pro-conservative dogma via IV line for so long they wouldn't know what else to think. In other news, my no-talent, overplayed bands rant is done. And god, is it nice to finally see the Beastie Boys be mentioned in that thread.
  5. ICP I definitely hate with a passion. Each "song" of theirs is nothing more then crap mostly consisting of sex with (insert white trailer trash female name here), chopping up/slicing/stabbing/generally violent acts that run to ridiculously graphic and cartoonish detail, or badly done parodies. I hate ICP with a passion, and I hate dealing with their fans - they all seem to have no intelligence at all, or if they do, it's limited to about how "hard" it is being a juggalo, and tons of them have the most atrocious spelling I've ever seen. Next: The Beatles. Oh my god am I sick of them. If it's not them I'm subjected to at work all day, then it's the same 10 deafness/violent convulsion inducing crappy soft rock songs for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week. "Adult soft rock" in general. I cannot stand any more of it. I do not want to hear some sappy, depressed older man or woman screech on about how they love the rich girl down the street, when a man is supposed to love a woman, or anything related. The Offspring, Green Day, Insert Any Pop Punk Rock Band Name Here: I am through with hearing The Offspring, Green Day, or unknown bands that sound like any of the above two bands every day on radio. And this normally is what I'm subjected to when driving around. This leads me onto my next targets. Disturbed, Staind, Nickelback, Skillet (who the hell names their band Skillet?!), Sponge, Foo Fighters, Avenged Sevenfold, Rob Zombie, Mindless Self Indulgence, Slipknot, Any Other Band Considered Hard by Hot Topic shoppers: I really wish some supernatural entity would spare us further music from all of the above named bands, including Zombie. Zombie meant something when he was with White Zombie. And no, I'm not referring to Supercharger Heaven, Thunderkiss 65, Dragula, Superbeast, Living Dead Girl, Dragula, or even More Human Then Human (all of those songs are BEYOND old and need to be retired). I think Staind is rather justified, considering they truly are "stains", at least in music. I fail to see how anyone in the Detroit area could actually LIKE Sponge. I hear them and I want to just poke out my own eardrums with a rusty screwdriver. And I am also sick and tired of hearing the same 50 Disturbed and Nickelback tracks over and over again. I wish Nickelback and Disturbed would either: A. Be dropped off at the South Pole with as little on as possible and left to try and walk back or B. Locked in a cage and forced to fight to the death with swords, all the while being encircled by 10 starved lions. Broadcast it on national television to prove a point. I am really sick of hearing The Birthday Massacre, Katy Perry, Lady gag worthy Gaga, Combichrist, and that annoying cow Kei$ha, or whatever the hell she calls herself. Oh, and pretty much every "hip hop" song/CD released in the last 15 years. And finally? Whitesnake. Why the hell must we be tortured with this awful band to this day? Much less untalented, giant, poodle hair-like bands from the 80s who haven't been heard from or seen from for 20 years? The people demand answers! Also, going back to Slipknot: honestly, I don't see what's so great about them. Truthfully, they're another bunch of "nu-metal" jackasses from yet another backwoods town that gets their "message" out to angry pre-teen Hot Topic customers who really have no realistic grievances other then the fact that Mom and Dad found their porn mag and threw it away, or were grounded for doing something highly irrational and/or stupid. Yup, nothing like the image of 10,000 fat 12 year olds stomping around their rooms to the irritating sounds of Slipknot. And finally, the Beastie Boys. I cannot reiterate it enough: fuck them, fuck them, fuck them! They are the hell spawn responsible for that stroke inducing crap known as "rap metal". It seems that every time I ride around with a rather clueless idiot (who makes an ass of himself by playing air guitar or maybe saying only one lyric), or I hear the idiots in the auto shop turn on that god awful thing humans call a radio, the Beastie Boys MUST be the first thing I hear! Nothing original, nothing truly ground breaking...it's always the BEASTIE BOYS! And that stupid song of theirs where they screech about fighting for a 12 year old's right to party? Somebody give me a fucking shotgun loaded with bricks so I can enjoy some good old fashioned Beastie Hunting. The other atrocious song of theirs I constantly hear? "Intergalactic". I do not care about the attack of the 50 foot she-bitch robot who happens to be "intergalactic". Much less any other song where they screech and try to be "cool". So, fuck the Beastie Boys, and fuck anybody who actually is convinced they are relevant. And next time, on Law & Order...
  6. You miss the point, Gaf. How many other mentally unbalanced individuals are effected by violent rhetoric used by those on the left, the right and in the center? You make this seem as if it's nothing but a liberal conspiracy to destroy the entire right.
  7. Creature, W was a biographical movie about George W. Bush, not some call for his assassination. Olbermann called on those on the left, right, and in the center spectrum of politics to tone it down. You have to both listen to the speech itself and read between the lines of the text. The words we throw at each other in this country are not at all helpful. This must stop before our nation ends up in tatters.
  8. Cherynobly and Kat, while both sides are equally guilty of inciteful speech, you see it coming more from the right then you do the left. So I don't think Olbermann has been entirely partisan with that speech.
  9. I wish I could offer some leads but I live in Colorado now. I gave up on Michigan a year and a half ago.
  10. Keith Olbermann couldn't have said it better. Here's text of what he said last Saturday, as it is on MSNBC's website: "We need to put the guns down. Just as importantly we need to put the gun metaphors away and permanently. Left, right, middle, politicians own citizens, sane and insane. This morning in Arizona this age in which this country could accept the, quote, targeting of political opponents and putting bull's-eyes over their faces and of the dangerous blurring between political rallies and gun shows has ended. This morning in arizona this time of the ever escalating borderline ecstatic invocation of violence, in fact or in fantasy in our political discourse, has closed. It is essential tonight not to demand revenge, but to demand justice, to insist not upon payback against those politicians and commentators who have so irresponsibly brought us to this time of domestic terrorism, but to work to change the minds of them and their supporters. Or if those minds tonight are too closed or if those minds tonight are too unmoved, or if those or too unmoved or too triumphant to make sure they have no further place in our system of government. Pima County sheriff took the extraordinary step of reporting details of not the crime scene alone but the political and cultural climate. I think it's time as a country to do soul searching. I think rhetoric we hear day in and day out from the people in the radio business and some people in the tv business. What we see on tv and how our youngsters are being raised. It may be free speech but without consequences. Arizona is the mecca of prejudice and bigotry. Sarah palin's website put scrubbed bulls eyes on her does not repudiate her own part and violent imagery, she must be dismissed from politics and repudiated from members of her own party. If they fail to do so, be judged to silently get the tactic. They must be dismissed by the responsible members of their own party. If Jesse Kelly, whose campaign against congressman giffords does not repudiate this and admit even if it was indirectly, it contributed to the black cloud of violence. He must be repudiated by Arizona's republican party. If Alan West during his successful campaign told supporters to make his opponent afraid to come out of his own home does not repudiate those remarks and suggestions of violence and forced fear, he should be repudiated. If Sharron Angle who spoke of second amendment remedies does not repudiate that and urge those to think anew and again of what her words implied, she must be repudiated in Nevada. If the tea party leaders took out of context a Jefferson comment and do not understand tonight, now, what that really means and these leaders do not tell their followers to add hor violence and all threat of violence, they must be repudiated. If Glenn Beck who obsesses about gold and debt and who joked about killing Michael Moore and Bill O'reilly who said Tiller the Killer until it was burn so into the minds of their viewers. If they do not begin their broadcasts with an apology. then those commentators and the others must be repudiated by viewers and listeners, by all politician who is appear on their programs including President Obama and his interview with Fox on Super Bowl Sunday and by the networks that employ them. If they are not responsible for what happened in Tucson, they must be responsible for doing what they can to make certain Tucson does not happen again. Do not rededicate ourselves to our individual lens and suggestions of violence. however inver tent they might have been, we deserve the re repudiation of our viewers and our networks. Here, once in a clumsy metaphor, I made an unintended statement of then Senator Clinton. It sounded as if it was a call of physical violence. It was wrong then, it is more wrong tonight, I apologize for it tonight. I urge people of every political conviction to use my comment as means to recognize the insidiousness of violent imagery that goes so easily and slip into one as opposed to violence as me how easily and pervasively and disastrously it can slip into the deranged mind. If the alleged terrorist, Jared Loughner wanted to shoot into the crowd, we have, never the less, for years been building up to a moment just like this. Despite the Youtube videos of what refers to him referring to the eighth congress, Gabby Gifford's district. Assume it's coincidence, the violence is not. The rhetoric descended past the ugly and past the threatening and the fantastic into the murderous. We will not return to the 1850s when a pro-slavery congressman nearly beat to death an antislavery senator and cut to death with broad swords. pro-slavery advocates. We will not return to the 1960s when an insane desire of fame or hatred, a president was assassinated. An ultraconservative was shot at and paralyzed and a leader of peace was murdered on a balcony. We will not. Tonight, what Mrs. Palin and West and Angel and Beck and O'Reilly and what you and I must understand was that the man who fired today did not fire add a democratic congresswoman and her supporters. He was not just a madman inspired by daily temptations, by slightly less madmen to do things they would not condone. He fired into our liberty and our rights to live and agree or disagree in safety and freedom for fear it will cost us our lives or health or safety. The bulls eye will have been on Kelly, you or me. The horror would have been, could still be just as real and unacceptable. At a time of such urgency, we as Americans, conservative or liberal, should pour our hearts and souls into politics. We should not, none of us, not Gabby Giffords or any conservative pour our blood. Anyone who hints otherwise or stays silent now should have no place in our political system and should be denied that place, not by violence, but by being shunned and ignored. It is a simple pledge. It is to the point and essential that every Americann politician and commentator and activist and partisan take it and take it now. I say it first and freely: violence or the threat of violence has no place in our society. I apologize for and repudiate any act or anything in my past which may have encouraged violence. For whatever else each of us may be, we are all Americans. Good night and good luck." After both hearing every word spoken on the state of our nation, and re-reading it, I'm left speechless. So, to sum up how I feel? :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
  11. Two out of three isn't bad. Anyone else? I'll let you all know the date and time when it gets closer.
  12. What My Umbrella Says About Me: Clearly sir, you fail. You willfully signed up to work for a corporation which has done highly illegal and unethical medical experimentation, is responsible for the destruction of an entire American city by nuclear bombing, and also created real life zombies. Yes, you are the epitome of epic fail. Kill yourself. (Made for a good laugh, didn't it?)
  13. It's a little late but my Fall semester was great. I took a criminal profiling class and had a blast debating with fellow students in American/State/Local Government. I wish I could say the same for my English tech writing class, but I was lucky enough to meet a couple from PA who also share an interest in paranormal investigation. All in all I think I finished it out well. I came out with a 3.4 GPA and my grades have never been higher in my academic life. I'm excited about starting next semester - I signed up for a class in criminology, another one in Western Civilization (Antiquity to 1650), Psychology of Adjustment and Intro to Corrections, though I would like to take up criminal investigations 1 and 2 with Peter Klismet (retired FBI agent and criminal profiler). All in all, a great semester for me.
  14. I'm visiting Michigan in late March. Anyone on here up for a coffee raid then?
  15. What about "political" figures like Sharron Angle saying stuff to the tune of "sometimes it takes a Second Amendment solution to some of our problems"? How many more people will be incited to violence thanks to the hate speech being put out over the airwaves by Tea Party figureheads? This is only the beginning.
  16. Palin for her part has given very little on her foreign policy experience. She can't even name the Founding Fathers, key Supreme Court cases regarding topics such as abortion, or even what newspapers she reads with regards to keeping informed on current events! CBS's Youtube page shows every single thing she's said. The Young Turks are helpful too with that.
  17. And there is actually people who would VOTE for this woman? Fail.
  18. "I hate Neocon Republicans and they hurt the Country but they did not hold the middle class hostage." John, how do you figure that they did not hold the middle class hostage? Does the same statement apply to the working poor as well? Look at what happened during the Bush years, and look at what is still happening: it's neoconservative Republicans who insist on pro-wealthy economic policies. They insist on tax cuts for the richest 1% of the entire country. They scream about "Obamacare" (Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act). They scream about any policy that they perceive as threatening their own massive bank accounts. They're not only holding the middle class hostage...they're also working to destroy it. Just look at the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, or "Obamacare" as far too many right wing critics refer to it as. What exactly does the Act offer? Prohibiting private insurers from denying coverage or refusing claims based on pre-existening conditions, extending Medicaid eligibility to millions of other people who otherwise could not afford a private insurer, providing incentives for businesses to offer health care coverage to employees, and countless other positive things. By shooting this down, those who are neoconservative Republicans or affiliated with them show that they value their damn wealth over everything else, even those who truly need medical coverage to help them cover the costs for debilitating diseases that they otherwise could not afford. And who suffers from the most from such diseases or conditions? Those who are poor or middle class. Just look at that and tell me that neoconservatives aren't only holding the middle and poor class hostage, but also are working to destroy it. If it's a return to the 1880s you want, then by all means, support neocons.
  19. Whatever happened to just being whatever the hell you're comfortable with and leaving it at that?
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