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Everything posted by darknight1

  1. The thing is, for first time offenders who commit non-violent crimes, there's so many other options rather than just wasting more tax dollars on housing them, such as community service, psychiatric treatment, probation or something similar. With those who commit "white collar" crimes, their reputation is pretty much screwed once convicted of such things.
  2. Prick, I'd heard about the fourth floor before. I'd figured with it's long history as a hotel and especially it being opened during the late years of Prohibition, it's bound to have seen a few violent deaths there, no thanks in part due to mob activity there. Who's the group that investigates it every year? I'd be interested to get in touch with them. And Deadcat, I held onto the same views until my first face to face encounter with what I believe still to be a ghost.
  3. Sadly this is a problem that I don't see being fixed. Many parts of the country still adhere to this strict interpretation of "justice", in which every day thousands of nonviolent offenders and drug offenders are given incredibly draconian sentences for their crimes. There's so many ways courts nationwide could utilize that would help nonviolent offenders and drug offenders rather than just simply giving them a prison sentence for crimes that hurt nobody but themselves. Increased prison populations that are composed of mainly nonviolent offenders and/or drug offenders do nothing more than hurt both federal and state budgets. With many cities, counties, states and the national government grappling with what some call the "Great Recession", filling up prisons and jails with nonviolent offenders and drug offenders does nothing but hurt a government's budget. Put simply, paying for the services inmates receive, plus the cost of housing and feeding them, costs a lot. Obviously, housing nonviolent offenders and drug offenders is not worth the price. What do you all think?
  4. William "Buffalo Bill" Cody's grave in Golden, Colorado anyone? Was there earlier this month...
  5. I'm partial to my slightly new pic. I looked awesome in makeup at the haunted house last month.
  6. Black shoes, black jeans, Metallica Master of Puppets shirt, black socks, and black boxers. And my skin.
  7. Two separate games I've been working on: Command and Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight and Sins of a Solar Empire. The latter is extremely challenging to me.
  8. Reality TV is just ridiculous. It's to a point where I can't stand the thought of watching TV anymore. So many of these shows they have on now are scripted. I mean seriously - you have Survivor, dozens of "reality" shows on MTV, and god only knows what else that are touted as "unscripted"...what gives with people's interest in shows that do not even accurately depict reality? The reality too that more people seem to vote for the next "American Idol" than actual political candidates who I suspect could make a difference in taking this country back to a path of sanity speaks a lot about our country's line of thinking - the "me first" culture if you will. The voting situation could be applied equally to various propositions nationwide that could adversely effect specific groups, such as medical marijuana users (and I mean those that actually need it for pain management thanks to diseases or other medical ailments), LGBT individuals, gay marriage, or even propositions that could harm the ability of a college student to keep advancing his or her educational opportunities in the future. Reality TV, quite simply, is a disease.
  9. This whole idea that New York State has with banning the purchase of soda using food stamps I think is just rather stupid. Doing it in the name of fighting obesity? Please. Obesity has existed practically since the dawn of civilization. If people want to eat things that have an adverse effect on their health, so be it. It's not up to anyone to try and influence how a person chooses to eat, much less live their life, unless of course those choices involve something of a truly criminal nature.
  10. It's interesting to see how there's just now an uproar over full body scanners when in fact these things have been in place in some areas of the country since 2006. We can thank the shoe bomber, Richard Reid, and the attempted bombing of an airplane over Detroit last year for this.
  11. Very accurate, Cher. Pakistan has constantly gotten some really rotten deals from the entire West. This includes the U.S., U.K., and if you wish, Russia in some respects. This is why so many people cannot understand why so many in the Middle East are anti-American: we have a very long history of involving ourselves in their affairs, using them for our government's own purposes, and then discarding them until we need them again. Sadly enough it seems as if this cycle will continue to repeat itself, especially with regards to Afghanistan (where the real reason we sent troops in is because Karzai is an oil man who's willing to allow the construction of an oil pipeline directly through his country that runs from the Caspian to the Indian Ocean, something of which the Taliban ultimately did not agree to let happen), Iraq (where once again, we're only there to make sure we have indirect control of the oil output of that country), and too many other Middle Eastern nations. And the government wonders why Iran hates it.
  12. Hello board. It's been months since I last posted anything. I've been busy on an extraordinary level here. Anyways, where to start with this thread? I'll make it simple. I moved to Colorado 8 months ago. By early July, I was in a paranormal investigation group that several friends of mine out here started up thanks to a mutual interest in ghosts and also because of previous paranormal experiences throughout our lives. We've been lucky enough since our founding to have picked up several investigations for private residences, businesses and some other places. And I myself have learned much about it, and steadily am becoming less of an agnostic and more of a believer in some respect thanks to my own experiences on each investigation. Anyways, I was describing the Leland Hotel and City Club itself to my girlfriend the other night, and described a few instances where I've been there around closing time or in one of the hotel rooms, and would see what I believe are apparitions or have experienced things that I strongly believe are of the paranormal nature. What kind of experiences have you all had at that building, or elsewhere? I'd be interested to hear, especially from someone who can verify witnessing something I saw in the dance area on several occassions - an older guy who I don't think was seen entering or leaving any of the doors there by other people. Thanks guys, and I'll talk to you all over this.
  13. I fall asleep by drinking two gallons of vodka each night, and then hitting myself 20 times in the head with a baseball bat that has nails driven into it, and the entire time I say 20 Hail Mary's. It's usually after I do this that I fall asleep.
  14. I'm back after a several month long odyssey across the east. I'm in Colorado right now. Anybody miss me?
  15. Considering that this guy was arrested up at the Sarnia-Port Huron border up at the Blue Water Bridge, I'm somehow not surprised that he was found guilty. That town has a weird mentality when it comes to justice.
  16. Axelle, good luck and have fun. I enjoyed DEMF up until about 2 years ago...the last time I went to it was back in May of 2008. I personally thought the lineup that year sucked, and ended up at something going on at St Andrew's Hall called Industrial Fest II the rest of the weekend (by far I had more fun at that...more my scene). Nonetheless, just follow the advice of everyone who posted here and enjoy yourself.
  17. Yesterday: driving almost an hour away to serve a court summons to somebody only to find out they MOVED!
  18. I'm an ancient old soul. And I use the word "fuckers" in an affectionate way.
  19. Thanks. Deader response then I thought I'd get...
  20. "Wow, I actually miss everyone back home"
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