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Everything posted by darknight1

  1. Isn't it past time we took this sorry excuse of trash we know to be "Pat Robertson" and just deported his racist, sexist homophobic ass to another nation more willing to tolerate his rantings?
  2. Him and Rush Limbaugh both need their spines ripped out and then deported elsewhere. Preferably Saudi Arabia.
  3. On that part you're wrong. Between the food companies (yes, all of them) and the pharmaceutical industry, there exists one hell of a vicious cycle. The food companies (this would include such corporations as Sugardale, Oscar Meyer, Ben & Jerry's, and god knows how many different companies) all knowingly infest everything we eat with who knows how many addictive chemicals and/or substances that make us sick. Mad Cow Disease, anyone? And the pharmaceutical industry manufactures only the stuff for the symptoms, not the cure. This is even seen within the fast food industry with their use of highly addictive chemicals in each and every item they produce. That is one simple reason why our nation is locked in this endless circle over health care "reform"...both the food industry, pharmaceutical industry, and health care insurance industry do not want to lose a profit for good by a cure being released into public hands. They'd rather just treat the symptoms.
  4. Unless of course you're a badass like me, who will catch the carp using his teeth.
  5. Happy to be living somewhere else other then Michigan, yet at the same time deeply hurt at the idea of having to abandon friends and family (no thanks in part to a harsh insult made to me in the rudest of all possible terms by certain people who shall be not named)
  6. Angry, exhausted, tired. Last night was uncalled for. Who the hell gets kicked out of where they live for something as stupid as checking their email on a computer? Unfortunately, I did. And I had to walk way the hell from Westland to downtown Detroit just to find any sort of shelter too. Sadly enough they won't take anyone in until after 3 PM.
  7. Ummm...jesus christ. My roommate's boyfriend is a registered offender. I'm going to look for another place to call home now.
  8. So this is what, the second weekend in a row I couldn't make it? This is really starting to suck. Two weekends ago it was lack of money and someone throwing a fit over something really stupid, and this weekend I was stuck helping someone move across state until early Saturday morning, and then ended up at the hospital Saturday night. I swear to god if anything comes up this weekend at all...
  9. Please tell me I'm finally getting a tootsie roll...haha.
  10. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091030/ap_on_fe_st/us_odd_ferret_in_pants;_ylt=AmkRdaDHWCidFI62JKifS0jtiBIF;_ylu=X3oDMTJuZ2poYmZuBGFzc2V0A2FwLzIwMDkxMDMwL3VzX29kZF9mZXJyZXRfaW5fcGFudHMEY3BvcwMzBHBvcwM0BHNlYwN5bl90b3Bfc3RvcnkEc2xrA2NvcHNmbGFtYW5zdA-- Wow...
  11. Waking up. Stuck helping someone move across state for all of today and part of tomorrow! Blah!
  12. lol I know. He's 5 years old...fixed too. Can't seem to get a picture of the evasive little bastard though.
  13. Guys and gals, I got a friend that I'm helping move to the west side of the state and she's got a 25 lb brown and white tabby named "Leo". She'll be moved out by Saturday but would like to get him housed somewhere before then. Let me know if any of you guys would like to adopt him.
  14. J, What are the things that need to get done at SMACC? Let me know...could stand to make some extra cash right now.
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