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Annona Synclair

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About Annona Synclair

  • Birthday 10/02/1986

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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Tampa, FL
  • Interests
    LARPing, dancing, Renfaires, art ~ visual and communicative, music, a good movie, cold weather, gardening, hiking, occult history studies, photography, my babies, cooking, people watching. . . .. .
  • Referred To DGN By:
    City Club

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  1. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

  2. So! Finally began to LOVE MI. Have to go back to FL till September. Will be back for a permanent move by then. Been fun meeting and getting to know some of ya. Can't wait to meet the rest when I get back. KIT!

  3. I'm not sure if I'm fond of the new color scheme... give me a few days.... It's pretty, but I don't know if it digs for this site....
  4. Wow.... you guys are something else.... Though I WOULD like to know what Phee pie tastes like.... Would it ruin the pumpkin or add to it?
  5. I am now, officially, a permanent member of MI society. Due to forces I cannot control, you all are stuck with me. Congratulations!!! To comemorate my new residency, I would like to say ~ Bite me, you hippies, and beware of the penguin on your shoulder. As for life, things are looking up and I've been given an opportunity to get things done. Finally! House, car, friends that are NOT just in my head. Still looking for work, but got a few temporaries lined up for the time being. Would love to get to know everyone here, now that I'm actually settled and not border hopping. If anyone wants to hang out, just PM me and I'll drop you my number {as long as you promise to keep the stalking to a slightly sane minimum}.
  6. I'm down for anything. Now that I am an official permanent MI resident, I would definitely like to get to know you guys. Count me in, rain, shine, or Zombie attacks... BTW ~ IS there a Manfast this year? if so, is it too late to add myself and several guests to this list?
  7. I'm just here to take care of un-finished business..... The single life is great, but I can't get out to enjoy it....
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