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Everything posted by kat

  1. I kinda want to do another Shein order, gotta keep buying clothes cause weight loss. I'm bored. Also, better get all my shit from China before next month 😭😆 fuck man I need my peptides bitch.
  2. Also, I don't think I love this new area. It's very....different. I'm not feeling it. I need go South as fuck, somewhere warm..this weather, this cold shit is bad for my depression. I feel like I been trying to leave for 40 years. I'm going to be 70 on DGN still bitching about wanting to leave Michigan. Like bitch you ain't left yet stfu. 😆😭
  3. Dude, wth is going on with the post office? Yesterday, I had a package coming from Maine, I usually get stuff from her in three days at my old address, now I was supposed to get this yesterday at my new address, it was out for delivery and now it's not? I got my Shein order a week early at this new address no problem but this package is missing. Like nothing happening on tracking. It just says it was in Indiana on the 5th but out for delivery yesterday now it says it's running late but nothing else?
  4. Finishing my last paper for policy class. Than one quarter down already. Five to go..if you write this paper already and stop dickin around!!
  5. We moved. Schools almost over for first quarter. Good stuff.
  6. Yo! It's only 11:43 and there already shooting. Get off my lawn.
  7. School..omg I really signed up for this? I forgot how much doing papers sucked 😭 Grrrr.....
  8. I did add a couple before pics and after in my gallery. You will laugh at the one that I put of my brother and me (it's one of my before pics) but he's all done up in his Detroit Lions paint. Not that I'm a football person but he definitely had me cackling.
  9. Am I too old to Trick or Treat? 🤦‍♀️
  10. Anything is music... if you're brave enough 🤞🫢
  11. Lost 50 lbs, so, feel pretty good about that. 30 more to go.
  12. https://youtu.be/w8uPMOr3CjQ?si=-FDam0_5MoarxTvE
  13. ⬆️ love this song! It's fun.
  14. I don't want to be sad and miserable anymore. I don't want to when I die be known as a miserable piece of crap.
  15. I just did one of those dna test for myheritage and the results take awhile but I broke down and got my own because I'm driving my kids crazy about their's lol. Anyway, the heritage has that dna family tree and it starts letting you add family it also pulls public records and I had a surprise this morning when it found my dad's article about his crime and death from 1998 and I reluctantly reviewed it and it brought back a slew of memories and feelings that I would like to keep buried but thus, here we are. I remember it like yesterday now. https://www.oldnews.com/en/record?lang=en&record_id=record-10628-196886&searchTerm=eJwrzEvMTbX1AxIKaXl6XvkZefrGPvpG%2BsYepXkpOamVOvrGpqZAIj9N39gltaQoP7MEqDA3X88IRBWX5RfrGYJZuZlARg5IxgREFafkQvjFuWnGUFYRUC0AEnckxw%3D%3D&referred=mh_record_page&page_id=4
  16. I am thinking about how sad will be seeing a friend since childhood laid out tomorrow and that his kids shouldn't have to be going through this already and how his poor elderly mother should not be burying her son.
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