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Members (1)
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Status Updates posted by kat

  1. poking ya back.

  2. boobs and moobs collide.

  3. nice video, I must admit the guy has a unique gig going on:)

  4. Birthday kisses and hugs for you!

  5. *smacks that ass*

  6. Welcome to DGN. I love the topic you posted about being "goth" and age limits.

  7. Good music last night.

  8. Nice to see you here.

  9. (psst, I just added you) hope it's cool.

  10. ouch, see you snapped my neck now!

  11. ze secret iz safe here.

  12. welcome to DGN.

  13. happy late birthday. wuvs ya.

  14. Thanks for everything:)

  15. are you back from Manfest now?

  16. Stranger Danger!Stranger Danger! LOL

    How are you? What's going on in your world man?

  17. Boobs-therrre grrrrreat!!!

  18. I agree, cheers to us lonely fucks:)

  19. I agree with you on that. Everyone's out for themselves.

  20. Glad you are feeling better:) oh and boobs.

  21. When are you coming back?

  22. what's wrong? Is everything okay?

  23. yeah, I loosened my gag.

  24. welcome to DGN.

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