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Everything posted by kat

  1. It's enough to register the car and satisfy the cops........ unless you're a boy that doesn't cry and let them take pictures of you on Friday when you're in love and than you sing a lovesong.
  2. I have them, too. Can't beat the price.
  3. Why has there been a truck parked outside my window for hours? Glad I don't have a stalker because this truck would be blocking their view. Had a dream I was in Pennsylvania with my bf but he didn't look like my bf it was one of them someone physically represented him but you just know it's that person dreams, ya know?
  4. Hope I can sleep tonight and don't get woke up by a random car alarm again.
  5. I just started chantix yesterday and already had my first wacked ass dream.
  6. I'm a great auntie as of today. I'm so excited.
  7. It's actually not. I went and did my own research, which took no time as I just googled everything really quickly and seen diverse sources speaking about this. I don't think everything I read online is true but the things this man is talking are just so absurd that it appears that it is clickbait. The manner in which he presents this material is actually why I found this video hilarious and was hoping that others would maybe get a laugh out of it as well, but my sense of humor isn't everyone's cup of coffee as it is quite juvenile and lacks class and sophistication, hence why I initially thought your comment said, "clickbaitty titties." Forgive me, for I am just a foolish human enjoying foolish things. Xoxo
  8. Devil's Advocate. I felt like watching something less heavy than the shit that's currently happening in the world.
  9. Oh great๐Ÿ˜ช๐Ÿ™
  10. I'm done with internet this week.
  11. I think I'll be at my apartment, the view is pretty good but I hope I can get home in time after my PT appointment. I'm emotionally drained from my dreams and am not feeling PT though.
  12. Ohh, that is a perfect idea. ๐Ÿ‘Œ
  13. How weird the day I wake up to look for this thread this post stands out to me..
  14. Wondering where everyone from the D..(GN) is going to be for the eclipse?
  15. Oh my stomach! I feel like I ate Thanksgiving and all I had was three grapes, coffee and some pop..diet..zero..coke zero and water.
  16. Remember when folks didn't use filters? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
  17. https://youtu.be/LgFvXLbJMSE?si=kWomKtKmwU-GiLtF
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