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Everything posted by kat

  1. I am going to the Boston Tea Room.
  2. I thought you guys were heading there tonight?
  3. box of condoms "my juicebox" portishead CD
  4. I saw something interesting in this thread.
  5. just ont do to me what you did to Barry!lol

  6. I am participating in a court hearing via phone.
  7. today's a bad fucking day for me.
  8. hey, hey, poke. yeah.

  9. How are Barry's nut's doing?

  10. I seen some disturbing news today relating to an event that occurred 12 years ago tomorrow. I feel a haunted. Thanks to the media to remind you of shit you don't want to think about.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4PSju9HYwU
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