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Everything posted by kat

  1. kat

    Days of Swine and Roses-Thrill Kill Kult:)

  2. fishnet destruction.

  3. kat

    Thanks for playing my request.

  4. I was gonna say something but I changed my mind.

  6. I went with KatRN and met up with Lillylu, Slogo, and Darkmatter, (who I finally got to meet). Also met Eeeve, Glory, BloodCupcake, Ariel Suicide, Jessicafxrocks, Mussashi, (new member), and I believe there may have been a couple more. Had to call someone out in the bathroom for being rude as she walked by me and my Lillylu. (btw, lillylu she said she was sorry for being a bitch when she walked by us, gave me a hug, and tried to make out with me) It was an interesting night.
  7. I think I am gonna go turn my lights off and take a bath right now.
  8. damn, you must be so satisfied that you did not realize this was the one word to describe the person above you game, cause you know my ass is not satisfied. LOL (but I wuv ya) so, as you are the person above me I will describe you as: um, Satisfied!
  9. fuck distance, FUCK distance, FUCK DISTANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. La batalla entre el racionalizar en la cabeza y el deseo del corazón ha terminado. El corazón prevalece. Lo siento.
  11. Body Parts Brokeback Mountain Blade Blow Bordello of Blood
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