*Gets on soap box*
I am one of the bigger movie fanatics on this board and actually do pay attention to what goes into the movie other than the plot. Directors, producers and writers play a big part in my decision on if im going to pay any attention to a movie, that being said...
Michael Bay relies on special effects and explosions to try and make movies bigger and better than the ones before them, only achieving in making the exact opposite reasction happen to most fans of the originals (look up a funny youtube vid called "Michaelsplosions" for an idea of what im getting at). And as for the statement about new horror creators running out of ideas...You couldnt be more wrong! there are tons (and I mean tons!) of amazingly well done horror movies out there that have come out in the past 5 years. All different kinds to, gore, artsy, suspence, comedy (my least fav but still). You just have to lok beyond Hollywood...
I put Rob Zombie in the same catagory as Bay for movies as well...He is a good musician but a pretty terrible director... outside of "The Devils Rejects".