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Everything posted by kat

  1. I just PM'd you about this, what would the dress requirement be?
  2. well hugs to you for having to deal with your cousins drama.

  3. lol, if you put stuff on your thing make sure it comes off.
  4. like I do not want to go to court tomorrow. Blah. But, on the upside, I have a really cute outfit that finally fits me so I get to at least wear it! YAY
  5. Well, I was protecting your identity! Well, looks like the jig is up
  6. hey you, the person on the phone with me, you are awesome.
  7. fire burn cauldron bubble
  8. just got done playing family therapist.
  9. lonely, the kids are not here tonight so it's just me and the walls.
  10. damn, you rejected me! lol
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