After serious reflection recently upon the events that have surrounded me over the course of the last several years, I am seriously considering peacin' the fuck out of Michigan. I actually planned about two years ago to move to Virginia. I even had a couple job interviews lined up. However, fear kept me here. I have had these thoughts laying in my subconscious since I visited Virginia and fell in love with the place and these thoughts have kept resurfacing all this time . I realize that there are places you could go in this world that are full of beauty, peace, and tranquility. Which is what I lack at this time in my life. I have friends and family in other states (Florida, Texas, Cali, etc) as well but VA keeps nagging at the back of my mind. I have come to the realization at this point in my life in that I have continued to do the same thing over and over again and am, of course, getting the same result, which is insanity. So, why not face the fear and get out of here?
(PS: sorry for such a long commentary but those are my thoughts)