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Everything posted by kat

  1. oh, well okay, than I am covered in a blanket freezing.
  2. works for me. Oh, and I changed it again!!
  3. Thank you, that was nice of you to say.
  4. I can't seem to stop changing mine.
  5. kat

    nice to meet you last night!

  6. nice to meet ya at CC last night!

  7. I got to wear my new boots last night and didn't fall once!!! yay
  8. kat

    nice to meet you and your crew:)

  9. I feel your pain and I must post this as it feels appropriate and I am a goofball.
  10. about how shitty things have been this past week and that things that got ruined did not have to, by no means.
  11. I could not have said that better myself, Phee.
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