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Everything posted by kat

  1. This is a latin freestyle song, called "Misery" (I am diverse in my music taste)
  2. This song is really sweet. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zbTjzZzfR7w
  3. thinking about stuff and things.
  4. gonna go get my skinny latte!! Gym is tomorrow for me as I have too many clients to see today.
  5. I just bought my daughter an Oomph CD. It was so hard to find.
  6. Karma Police http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5LeLAELIxKY
  7. I would love to hear more Portishead and Switchblade Symphony.
  8. I am actually drinking one right now from starbucks, it tastes really good. Do you find that your weight stays down when you drink them verses full fat latte's?
  9. I agree with you Osaka, I do the Medical Weight Loss thing which is a diet but a healthy one. Diet just means the way we eat. You can have a "diet" of strictly pizza, and of course it is not gonna work. Congrats on your weight loss also!
  10. I cannot stop drinking latte's. I finally renewed my gym membership and plan to get up there at least 3-4 times per week. I sat in the sauna yesterday and it was awesome.
  11. people treating you like shit due to their unresolved anger. They transfer everything that happens in their lives onto you.
  12. Hello and thanks for everything.

  13. county can't afford mayo.
  14. pass the cheese sandwich.
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