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Everything posted by kat

  1. perhaps they will soon write an article on how to breed and raise gothic children.
  2. Hi and welcome to DGN!

  3. will Lou Reed ever tell me of his great journeys, oh magic one?
  4. Thanks for the helpful information, I was getting ready to renew now. I sure do love saving money and I know our purple savior will appreciate us being thrifty in these trying times. I will certainly be awake at the crack of dawn on "Purple" Friday to be one of the first to renew.
  5. Aww, yes, that is right, it will soon become purple I hope the purple gods will forgive me for my mishap.
  6. the spaghetti monster was a false prophet, the purple savior is real.
  7. LOL!! No seriously, I edited this post because it initially said "Bread is the devil" but then I realized that I would be destroyed for my carb bashing and decided that I should specify that white bread, is in fact, the devil. But this is what I have been learning at Medical Weight Loss: Eat protein with every meal. Water, Water, Water if you eat something that is unhealthy drink a few extra glasses of water to flush it out. do not use salt, if you have to have salt use morton's light salt or something similar. Also try other seasonings for flavor. Don't use white bread, use, like Rev said, whole grains but limit your servings of breads, pasta, etc to 3 servings a day. So that is a sandwich and about a cup of cereal. If you like the taste of butter you can use spray butter which has no fat or use butter buds which actually tastes awesome. Okay now that I posted all this I better practice what I preach, right?
  8. Der Nister was concerned about your whereabouts yesterday.

  9. LOL, dont eat white bread, white bread is the devil.
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