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Everything posted by kat

  1. reading the thread "the most amazing and entertaining site"!!!
  2. All the time. It's like not many people understand what these findings mean. It's epic. I feel like we are the choosen ones, those who see the power of purple. I am ready now. Take me home, oh purple savior.
  3. LOL!!! I felt bad, I had to:)

  4. trying to get over this flu.

  5. aww, but of course. (don't worry we have a secret password when he needs me to stop) LOL

  6. Hello, how are you?

  7. sore back is one of the symptoms I have had and I have been sick since Thursday. I hope you feel better.
  8. Oh no, I think you have the nasty flu that we are getting over. Get well.
  9. Hell yeah. I was like, "what do they know about me?" LOL
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