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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Tyger

    ...... yes? ......

  2. Tyger

    Duurrrrr.... it was a double team flash too, eh? ;) Your redheaded girly got it at the same time. ;)

  3. I accept that/ Ill take you seriously... Seriously! (P.s. I always make things kinky.... for serious!)
  4. I did... I seriously need a punishment...
  5. *Runs onto your wall, flashes, then runs away*

  6. Tyger

    *Runs onto your wall, flashes, then runs away*

  7. *poke poke* How are you good sir? :)

  8. Its the Canadian way of spelling "colour".... Seriously.
  9. DarkCowboyDave is my bf and I. We play just mostly CoD.
  10. MMmmmm... chocolate death cake. Can it be ontop of a naked woman. Cause then Im set before death...
  11. If the 25th is picked... everyone can wish me happy birthday since my birthdays on the 24th.
  12. What about weekends? You drive this way much?

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