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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Nawww.... just the "missed" dirty old man commenter. :p

  2. Lol! Sweet. Sooo far away though. But Im excited. :D

  3. Sooo... think there will be another lazer tag soon??

  4. I love going onto peoples profiles and being able to see what there looking at... Like what your looking at... *snicker*

    "Viewing Topic: When are you expecting some good... "

  5. *breaths in* Two more small tests *breaths out* No more projects *breaths in* Two more small tests! *breaths out*
  6. Ill definitely be there! Every time Ive been around when your play Ive missed it! Im not going to this time!!
  7. Ill be done on Friday. One more project due tomorrow, and a test Thursday and Friday, then DONE. Ill be so glad. Ive gotten a project every single week from each class this semester and they all take at least 6 hours to do... taken up A LOT of my spare time (which is a small amount to begin with). I think they give so much the first semester to weed out the idiots.... I hope that means half my class is out by January. I think I did good. I seem to get good marks in everything. But I didnt make my goal on getting a perfect one ANYTHING. But then again, only a hand full of people did in my class... Im in Graphic Design btw.
  8. Id really like someone next to me to snuggle when I wake up.
  9. I HATE that I cant see any of the pictures on here!!
  10. LOL @ Kat!

    HHheeeeyyyy!! I was just about to say I was stalking! Lol! XD

  11. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts. No dirty thoughts.... Damn it...
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