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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Warm. Relaxed. Loved. Cared for. Teased. Cherished.
  2. OK OK ok... Here I go! Msterbeau of course... He always get my motor going. Siren and Raev (together or separate I guess ) taysteewonderspook Ice Queen pRick Phee Eevee ~Tszura~ DJ Nocker XillaToxic Theres probably more, but those are the only ones I can think of atm... ~blushes~
  3. We can't have people in relationships to our lists? Well there goes a couple of people....
  4. Like I wanna get a bat and say hi to my neighbors...
  5. I don't think DGN is ready to hear my list of crushes, the day I came on to write them all down, DGN was down....
  6. Tyger

    The world split into two and one half died while the other lived....

  7. Msterbeau and I may attend if we can, in our masquerade outfits from DAMNED.
  8. Twas a good show! Msterbeau and I both agreed that the first half was better than the second though. But still an over all good show.
  9. Maybe thats a good thing??? Ill come back to this when I have a good half an hour to sit down and type. Leave you in suspense for now.
  10. ~pokes your squack~ XD

  11. Msterbeau and I are going! He won tickets a while ago for it.
  12. GOOD! I dont care if theres beer or not! Im completely excited!
  13. Lmao! No one wants to see my big long list of crushes...
  14. Tyger

    Music has been going down hill, till the end of the night! Then it started getting gooood.

    last week was a rare occurrence when there actually was a lot of awesome people around, and not a dead place.

  15. Tyger

    You didnt have fun Sat? :(

    We dont have to hang at cc. I like going to new places. :)

  16. PHEE!!! OH Phee!!! Ive been SO lost lately!!! I need my horoscope to tell me what to do! Where to go! Who to see, trust and Molest!!!
  17. Tyger

    Id agree!! Should happen more often though...

  18. Theatre Bizzare might not happen?!?!?!?!?!?!?! :crybaby: :crybaby: :cry :cry :cry :cry
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