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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. There is rooms left at the Leland? I heard they all turned into apartments...
  2. I haz not! Is there still some? Ill have to ask Marc what his plans are.
  3. Msterbeau and I are going to CC the weekend in-between out birthdays, does that still count?? And does that mean we both get 10 people if its a Saturday?
  4. That still all sounds a little stalkerish to me... And demanding. If someone actually gives you her number without her permission, Id be upset..
  5. This? This wha? This is what Tyger would like to happen? Yes. This is what you'd like to see? Probably more of a yes. More like a hellz yes. This is what should be video taped and distributed to every good little boy and girl at christmas?....... Maybe not so much....
  6. Oh Phee!! I would love to get over her too! Or under her... or beside her....
  7. I think that would be amazing. This video inspires me so much, and I don't even live there. It makes me want to though. Want to help people. Make the city into an Art Heaven.
  8. http://www.palladiumboots.com/exploration/detroit Makes me love Johnny Knoxville more!
  9. I think I may have miss worded myself if that is how you read it. What I mean is if reasons like "You will have the capacity and time for meaningful, engaged, quality adult relationships", "You can fully pursue your educational goals", "You will be better able to retain your youthfulness and sex appeal because your body will not be ravaged by childbearing and a crappy diet" etc are the reasons why your not having kid's then that is selfish in my opinion. I still find time to have a meaningful relationship, pursue my education, and I find my body to be still very appealing. Nothing should stop people from having kids if they want them. They have there own reasons. This site to me is a page saying "Here, don't have kids or ALL these things will happen to you!!" If you don't want to have kids then that's fine. But to have to have a 100 reasons why not to have them is ridiculous. And I think most of those are silly. You can do anything when you have kids. You just have to plan more is all.
  10. OOoooooooooo........ even though I got Hot Chocolate.... Id still like to do this!
  11. I could sure use a Hot Chocolate right now with all this cold wind.... "MARRRCC!!!"
  12. I think they'd say "We'll be ok. Jesus will save us and provide for us." And they'll hope a cow falls out of the sky for them to eat... or the head lady in the video will hope for a Mcy D's. I think that's just a shame. Poor kids. Not even able to think for themselves and decide. It all because of the parents too. I don't think kids give a rats butt about religion till they are in high school really, when they are trying to find themselves. It's ridiculous. I love Harry Potter...
  13. I think its because DGN is a male board, and lately people are just talking about their feelings and what they think. So it just left.
  14. Im sorry... I was a little rough with it... after it went down last time it needed a punishment and I think I was a little to rough...
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