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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. You haven't been on in a while... Thought Id give you some DGN lovinz. <3

  2. That is true. There are. But it IS the fact that it's her son. HER SON. Thats just sick.
  3. Having a great weekend. Got to meet another Beauregard, girlz, had a lovely family dinner, tennis, sex, DEAC, photo shoot with a very sexy fellow feline, and knowing that I get to see my hunny tomorrow to have some fun in the sun and water.
  4. I like to fall asleep with men next to me... If its my bald dirty old man... or my mohawed little booger. Its nice to cuddle with someone.
  5. Amazing!! I just hope she isn't a future Beyonce...
  6. I probably just forked out $300 I dont really have....
  7. Isnt it the same thing 50% of the time? I just say "Be yourself".
  8. I dont get hit on at any bar actually... And I get them when Im on the streets most the time.
  9. Not in all cases. I always wear long stripy socks that don't match and I always get comments on them.
  10. ~makes evil plan to steal lamp~

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