OH! I wasn't saying it because of her gender! Im all up for people doing what they want to do.... But just not in a music video where teenage girls and boys think this is what happens in everyday life....
Two things...
I prefer the Machine-gun Jubblies from Austin Powers better....
and can anyone say "gang bang"?
Ok... Maybe three. But I'm just repeating myself from another thread, but I'm so SO glad I have a boy... I would be SO worried if I had a girl and she watched this crap.
Didnt know there was this thread.
I find in general people talk to me more when I have my glasses on. I dont know why... But here me.
Cant really tell... but I was uber preggy in this picture.
Kimberly! I wish I could give you a hug! You are super mom! You have three girls and can do tons of stuff, when I have only one boy that I seem cant get anything done! Your an amazing women!