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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I confess that I love not having a nose full of black boogers the night after a CC.
  2. Besides of bit of drama... it was a fun night. I got hit on a bunch, mostly by my friends. lol! I loved not hacking my guts out walking around the place! It was great! There wasn't any really bad smelling people either. Mind you, I didn't stay on the dance floor much so I wasn't in the right spot to smell it... Coat check is now gone. Which made me sad cause I wanted to check my bag... TheOsakaKoneko-You looked fantastic! Just. Wow! Loved the look! Outstanding! StormKnight- lovely to tease you. As always. Now I know what to do when I want you to squeal. lexmachine- Happy Birthday sweety! :D f0rged & Hollywood- screw you guys. I see you all the time.
  3. He does. He says people confuse him all the time. lol
  4. Tyger


    That is great!
  5. I don't mean to be rude here if I am, and I hope I have everything correct. But I don't see anyone blatantly saying "the opening suck". They either said it wasn't their thing/ didn't care for it or they thought that something was off (like the sound system, previously stated). This whole forum is a place for open expression and discussion, like in normal human conversations. If someone can't take it then I believe they need to step out.
  6. Im 99.9% sure she was joking... lol. Im curious as to what BMM stands for as well...
  7. Hi! You were at the Convent concert! I saw you there. :)

    Did you like it?

  8. Amazing! Just wonderful! We were right up front the whole time! XD
  9. 37 active user(s) (in the past 20 minutes) 2 members, 34 guests, 1 anonymous users | Show by: Last Click or Member Name Tyger, Yahoo, Google, MSN/Bing, phee LMAO Oooohhh Phee.. Its just basically you and me. Wanna Bing MSN while I Google Yahoo??
  10. Is it Wednesday yet? It IS!! WOOT!!!!! Tonight tonight tongiiiiiiggghhhhtttt!!!
  11. ~shrug~ I think she's kind of typical looking... Nothing really special stands out to me...
  12. ~acts innocent~ You sir. Are a dirty dirty boy. ;)

  13. We can be roomates.... Id LOVE a house like that... XD
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