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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Yesterday: Parties, conversation, cuddlez, silliness, distractions. <3 Today: Nuclear pancakes, cuddlez, driving, <3 Ethan counting to 10. <3
  2. There is already a ton of people downtown! I just got over from Detroit and it was crazy!
  3. I dont get spooky talk by either of them... Im getting jipped! Oh well.... ~pouts~
  4. Gah! Now how am I supposed to get that off!? ;)

  5. Be a bazillion air or marry one of us... (by us, I mean a Canadian... not anyone in-particular on this forum...)
  6. Tyger


    ctrl alt del.com I used to read it religiously... but I haven't in some time... but Id hope there still as good.
  7. OOO! Jello!! Wait, what flavor?... Never mind.. it's jello... ~nom nom nom nom nom~

  8. I saw this on one of those news paper stand things... That is just terrible...
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