Naw, Im pretty certain about myself loving that movie. Ive just met a couple of people that wernt to thrilled with it.
But I love all the songs to it. :D
Awesome movie, right????? Love that movie.
I just finished watching Kick Ass. I thought it was funny. Im glad I didnt pay the money to go see it though. I love the internet.
It might be a bit of a stretch... but if you think about it. Think of how many cigarette butts get flicked out the window everyday, or how many get just tossed on the ground. At my college alone there is probably millions.
I got that. I just saw "Speaking of wedding. If Tonya and I....." and thats when my heart started racing! LOL.
That made me laugh so hard... made my day. I needed that.
Why are you saying parents? Its not there fault that the kids txting... Well, maybe if the parent is doing it and the kid sees. But more kids do it on there own accord. Hows a parent supposed to stop them?