Doing into a bar like CC I always know what Im getting into. You walk into the place and you can see the cloud of smoke some times. I have had many a times smoke blown in my face from people walking around and they don't know/ care. After an evening at CC the next morning my throat is terrible, my eyes are crusty, and my nose is full of black boogies. I feel like poop too. Like I said though, I (And 90% of people) know what they are walking into. So it's our (non smokers) decision to enter.
Mind you, I don't think restaurants and places that sell food should allow smoking, or any place that deals with health care/ children/ the elderly (unless its there rooms, than they should be allowed too). One thing I hate is walking into a restaurant over there and smelling smoke from someone smoking on the other side of the place. And yes, I can. i can smell smoke from my neighbors below/ across from me in the same four-plex. Its terrible. When you are a smoker, you don't notice it. But smoke is a really strong smell for some people.
When Ontario did the ban everything got banned. At least MI is allowing the Casino's to stay smokefull, right? See, now I think that's ridiculous to ban smoking in a place like that. There pumping the place so full of oxygen that it doesn't matter. When they ban smoking here, lots of places closed/ lost business. Lots of bingo's closed. That was not fun.
Personally, I think the separate room idea is great. But wont work everywhere, of course. But bars you expect to have people smoking in them, that's just not fair.