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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Oh God!!!! LMAO!!! That made my day.
  2. Broken... my back hurts so bad right now... :(
  3. AH HA!!! You come on though!!! XD

  4. Ethan lovez lego. <3 I can't wait for his birthday to buy him some new ones.
  5. Weird. Now a days they just give every female a shot in Canada that is to make sure nothing bad happened with the blood types. They said its "just in case" the father isn't the biological father... not a days they never know...
  6. Hang out with Siren and Raev. <3 :D
  7. Ouch... >.< I always thought dealing with bulls like that is a stupid idea...
  8. The rain makes me sleep better... but lately Im either under sleeping by a lot of WAY over sleeping... not good...
  9. Feeling a bit bummed that Dave's gone now... but HAPPY that Im about to spend my evening with two wonderfulz people. <3
  10. I wish I could! But Im still broke... NEXT WEEK!
  11. Ever play the game of "I win!"? This is how it goes... I WIN!
  12. You have to have a blood test before marriage? O.o didnt know that...
  13. School started on a Tuesday and that had to be my 10-9 day... >.< But other than that Im kinda fine with my classes...
  14. Firefighters, Police officers, Paramedics, Nurses, Doctors, and everyone else that saves lives.
  15. I wish I could find a cheap place in Detroit and move there... *nods*
  16. I feel bad about neglecting DGN the last few days... school has already tried to take over my life it seems! >.< And I'm only on day two. Plus I also feel sore and sad. Cowboy day leaves Friday for 5 weeks and Ill be all alone a lot of time now that Ethan's at Daycare and gone on the weekends. I'm also feeling very unsure about my school situation lately...
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