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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. He does make one hell of a strong drink!
  2. ~snugglez~ Hope the drugs helped today...
  3. And Im going to miss it! I wanna meet Herr Phee!!!
  4. Try being in a gym where you are the only female and there is at least 10 other males around you.... Its pretty awkward sometimes... O.o
  5. Buff is ok. I used to watch it at lunch time back in high school. Giles kicks butt. Hes in Repo the Genetic Opera. My fave Buffy episode is the one when they all sing.
  6. I play games... >.> I especially do the RPG/Card (Munchkin ect.) games... but I like video games.
  7. I iz on list? Really? Dont forget f0rged. Oh yesh, can't forget Phee and StormKnight.
  8. Well... I guess we has to bring our menz along... What you talking about? Im totally innocent, through and through.
  9. Sure! Truly I just need a and some good
  10. Take me? Take me please?? And I mean that in every way possible...
  11. Atm Im in Law and Security, and one of the classes is a gym class. My one teacher does all the test "Prep test and beep tests" and such. And the other is a boot camp instructor. She kicks ass. She makes us run a ton, push ups, sit ups, wall jumps, planks, running up and down 4 flights of stairs, and tons more. I feel like jello after her classes. But we only have her once a week.
  12. That I need a vacation and disappear for a while...
  13. I miss you....

  14. Achy and my sugar rush turned into a sugar low... v.v
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