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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Hey hey!! Me Me I want stars!!!! Oh... wait... there not the sticker kind?? Never mind...
  2. How come you always say things I wanna say, but just get there before I do?
  3. Sometimes the ads are not that bad though.
  4. Skyping with Marc and Ariane. Very fun.
  5. I would like a man that will listen & pay attention to me when Im talking.... I dont think thats unreasonable.... more like impossible.... so I settled for Marc.... ~acts innocent~
  6. OH? Maybe you should show me how this works...
  7. You guys REALLY make me wanna know what the picture was.....
  8. Im SO glad I didnt take a sip of my drink at this moment.
  9. Thats just not right... I always thought young parents (ages 13-30), or everyone should be enrolled in mandatory parenting classes when they find out there pregnant... but you know, some people just don't care and would do stupid stuff like this anyways. its just sad. Poor kid.
  10. Same here!! Come to mine and we can cuddle.
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