Personally, I like Canada's health care system and I hope The States adapts to it. I like that we have health care for our children, that we don’t pay for any of their shots and we get flu shots for free. I like that when we go to a doctor/ clinic we don’t have to pay 40 something bucks just to see someone, get a prescription and a kick out the door. That I can to get my back x-rayed (which I have) for free and not have to worry about a bill coming at me. I like that when I was in the hospital (because of my dads insurance plan) I got my own room and free care, and knowing that even if I wasn’t on my dad’s insurance that I would still get free care.
I do think that we have way to long of lines for surgeries and thing and that we should be able to pay someone, somewhere to get something fixed quicker if we wanted.
I know this is mostly about Canada heath care, but I do believe that everyone should get help if they need it and not get turned away. And not die from the cost afterward.