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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. True story. Someone in from my Law and Security class got arrested for 400$ in theft of: Lube, condoms, Pepperets.
  2. A wonderful night. Great music got played (excluding the Gaga). Which meant lots of dancing. Met new people, saw good friends.
  3. Have fun Saturday? :)

  4. You have Jake on here, even though he does not come on? LOL! That is funny.

  5. It was very nice to meet you Saturday. Sorry we didnt talk much. By guy needed a beer and when I came back to find you two a while later, you were gone. ;)

  6. Agree. I tried tanning once for my aunts wedding... I burnt in the machine... badly... I was in there for like 5 minutes.
  7. "I need to finish my homework. STOP fooling around girl!" ~smacks self~
  8. I found out on the weekend and shouldnt been txting so much... and I forgot till now. >.

  9. Guess wha? I already knew about this. HEHEHEHEHEHEHehehehehehehehehehe.... ~excitement~
  10. I think its a great idea. I loved the short film and to make it bigger would be great! Mind you, yes, it will suck that its on online. And It wont be anything like other movies. But Id go and see it opening night. <3
  11. Twas VERY lovely meeting you! :D

    Marc and I seem to go around there once in a while. Maybe we can hang one weekend. :)

  12. Geeze. Its been a while since Ive seen this! Lol. Always funny though.
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