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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. ~excited~ ~excited~ ~excited~ ~excited~ ~excited~ ~excited~
  2. You know it, and love it. ;)


  3. Oh OH!! Can you make an "Ugly Christmas" Sweater?? I can make a drawing if you need one to know what I mean.... Ive been looking for one for ever for my brother... But just cant find it...
  4. Really? Cause I think Im actually pretty good at that stuff.... I just have to start back up again...
  5. Ill write an erotic novel about it... which will be the sort version...
  6. Probably not when it has to deal with a certain very sexy bald man.... and me...
  7. "Incest is best. Keep it in the family." My friends used to always say...
  8. I shall be going if I can snag a ride with the lovely *Siren*.... ~hopes hopes hopes~
  9. O.m.g. I dont think anyone here wants to know what Im thinking right now...
  10. NOM NOM NOM... Mini pizzas and Dr.P I need to stop drinking the pop... but it seems like I just cant...
  11. YES?!? Yes to what???? O.o

  12. Tyger

    I get to make a lemon tree?!?! XD

  13. Hey there sweety!

    I get to see you Wednesday. <3

  14. I know eh?!?!

    One of my Hermies just moved the other day.... It was pretty sweet.

  15. Lol! Yeah... I have Hermit Crabs... wouldnt mnd being one of those.... XD get fed, left alone, partner for life... pretty sweet life I think.

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