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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. I forgot about the double modeled one... But those ties where nice...
  2. ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ ~I Lost~ Everytime this thread gets updated I lose.
  3. I am bias. I cant help it. Your still an awesome photographer though... Dont need the bias person telling you that.
  4. I didnt tell him a thing. I see on Twit that he coming back late Thursday... WHAT A JERK. I hate my brother right now.... I wanna smack him up side the head.
  5. I did the tie job.... :( First time... She kept wiggling out!! Lol.
  6. Ok... well... that made my day... and It hasnt even really started yet...


  7. Just a pierce of jewelry... But I really love it. <3 Wish I could get it...
  8. yup. So, what kinda fruit am I do you think??

  9. No, you still lose.... for just being you... I lose....
  10. Iiiinnnnttteeerrrrreeessstttiinnnnnggggg.....

  11. XD

    That a maybe? LoL!

  12. Ill model them for you if you buy them for me. ;)

  13. oh. em. gee... there is some gorgeous things...
  14. Thanks sweety. Im hoping to see a doc soon. Gonna call tomorrow, first thing...
  15. Im a 21 year old with a broken body.... know anywhere were I can change mine? Just the bones and muscles really...
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