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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Wonderful time. :D Yes, my ass+ Siren& Becky = BIG red marks and lots of pain. XD I will NOT forget the Whore Dollar next time!!!! There was TONS of people I met threw MsterBeau last night. I cant even remember everyone. Ice Queen = LOVELY dress. Gorgeous. Lillylu = Even out of your "CC Gear" You are still one of the most beautiful women to me. Slogo = ~poke poke poke poke~ Spook and Tastywonderbunny = it was nice to meet you both. And the hug. Figet = Tall.... O.O Hat... F0rged = Over all. Wonderful night. <3
  2. TONS of fun! I felt like I was in a video game, hunting people down. It was awesome! XD
  3. Hi sweety!

    It was nice seeing a lot of you this weekend. :)

  4. Excited!!! And wanting time to move FASTER!
  5. Very true... I dont think he'd like the competition. ;)

    Ill mention it to him to visit. :D

  6. I hope you mean me... and if you are, and not about yourself... ~snicker~.... than someone is going to get a BIG thank you.
  7. Well yeah.... lol. :p

    Going to CC Saturday?? If so, watch out... ;)

  8. Can I keep your twin as my pet? :D

  9. Like all I wanna do it go to the park... But Im stuck at school...
  10. If you really want... O.o

  11. ~fondles~ And its not where you think it is.

  12. Just watch out for what comes back at you.
  13. No. That makes you awesome. <3
  14. p.s. I see you lookin at me... ;)

  15. Oh my! Where Sir may I ask are you fondling?

  16. Ive been told a little about this MANFEST.... But it sounds exciting!
  17. I love watching people do that... XD its just amusing. And kinda erotic... :D
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