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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. If you do, I will find you... And finally meet you.
  2. XD ~blushes~ Ninja's are Shark bait, oh ah ah.
  3. I guess I should run then... Cause Im a pirate.... And I dont think I can take a Ninja...
  4. Thats awesome... I actually join in on that... And Im not one for going around nude.
  5. Should have just seen it in Windsor. It was crazy. Everyone was honking and flying flags out there windows/ doors of vehicles. Downtown was PACKED couldn't even walk anywhere. And to drive! People we bouncing the cars and hoping in strangers beds of the trucks. It was amazing. A great show of Canadian pride.
  6. All very true. Even the ear peaces are a distraction. But they wont ban those, I dont think.
  7. But the ones that do show them.... you just dont want to see....
  8. Awesome...... just.... awesome.... I would be in!
  9. Stupid things that I think are right... but end up being soooo wrong....
  10. In Ontario (do not know atm if it's the rest of Canada aswell) cell phone useage while driving is already against the law. $155 a ticket I think it is. Which I think is great. To many accidents and injuries from cell phones.
  11. XD I was wondering when my fello Canook was going to pop in to help me out with all these.... Americans...
  12. Hey!! I DONT want us to do this whole "one big country" thing like the UK. NO THANK YOU. I think Canada should stay Canada. <3
  13. MMmmmmhhhhmmmmm..... very nice car. I cant wait to look at my pictures...
  14. yes it does. And I actually perffer it. I find your jugs (HAHA) have funny tastes to them ( )... And I think thats my Milk bag container...... O.o Just not the right Milk.....
  15. OOOOOOOOOOooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....................... very true. I tip my pirate hat sir.
  16. Yes... We like to feed apon the Marc because he haz no hair to get in the way!! MUAhahahaha.... ~nom nom nom~ HI btw. I like Zombies too! VV ~points to her signature~ Welcome!
  17. Definitely. I love you Americans... Your awesome... but damn do I LOVE being Canadian... <3
  18. Heyy... dont be hating!! I love pirates WAY more than Ninjas... I just think they would win in a fight... but I think getting booty is all that matters anyways... Make love not war right?
  19. This goes out to anyone and everyone that is/likes/loves CANADA!! We won!!! We keep our title at ROCKING at Hockey!!! And we got most gold!! WOOT! Im happy you guys got most medals though... so, please dont kill me.... ~RUNS really fast away~
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