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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Werewolves are SO much kooler than vampires. I think youd like the books. I havn't caught up to the tv series, but the books are a lot different. Both still very good tho.
  2. I iz grood. How bout you?

  3. I was a pirate two years ago... I dunno yet what Im going to be for this year... I don't even think Ethan knows what he wants to be...
  4. My parents once had like 10 baby mice right at our back door. I wanted to keep them... instead she let the cat out...
  5. Tyger

    Missing Ass

    This thread made me giggle. I approve.
  6. I think this is ridiculous. Put kids outside more, don't take things away. Everyone needs positive reinforcements. And a birthday is a special thing. NOT something to say "You don't need treats, your fat"...
  7. Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Biiiirrrrrtttthhhday deeeeeeaaarrrrrr SSIIIRREEEENNNNNN!!!! HAPPY Birthday to you!
  8. *Snicker* Their talking about poop...
  9. OUCH! Thats a lot of bacon...
  10. He's got his girls this weekend... prob not...
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