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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. You keep changing everything! AH! ~goes crazy~

  2. Im excited. Ill be there to watch on V-day. And maybe some others if I can... But V-day for sure.
  3. You do have an above average brain. ;)

  4. SUUUuuuurrrreeeee.....

    What did you mean than? Feet?

  5. Tyger

    Hows things going? :)

  6. Hey. :)

    Hows things going babe?

  7. Wait, how come I didn't see any of this boob showing??? LOL.

  8. ~pokes, than runs away~

  9. ~not going to comment~ lol.

  10. If I find a man that will treat me somewhat descent, I wont let him burn.
  11. There was this one time, someone got pretty close to doing it. But I think it shouldnt just be in the bathrooms... Ive have it happen to me at other places too.
  12. These are of course all my opinions. I like a man with confidence. If he cant walk threw the room with his chin held high than somethings off. Its ok to stumble a bit, of course your nervous (sometimes) but don't draw blanks on your conversations. I agree with the dance floor comment. I hate having random guys to the "party boy" dance up to me. Its nice to have a guy come up at the beginning of a song and ask. Ive had it happen twice and it is a nice surprise. I like it when the man comes up first. Not with a cheesy first liner, but something nice. Id also like to put in, that a club is not the only place to look for someone to date. Maybe approach someone that appeals to you at the grocery store, or when you go out to grab something from the corner store.
  13. Well, as everyone knows. Im Canadian... and I have some Irish blood in me. I do. My dinner is very dry and tasteless tonight.
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