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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. "Oh come on?! Only one? Im an old lady here, I need my candy!"
  2. Ohhhh!! If I convince f0rged to go than were there!
  3. Having a smashing party last night for my little man.
  4. ~stares back maniacally~

  5. Muahahaha!!! Id like to see you try. ~sticks out tongue and has the antler fingers~

  6. *stare stare stare stare stare stare stare*

  7. Im up for it! If someone can bum a Canadian a ride (doesnt have to be from Canada, but the tunnel). I havent gone lazer tagging since I was a teen. XD
  8. mmmhhhmmmm..... Maybe a toasty fire and some warm cuddles too.

  9. I dont mind the cold. :) I would just like Hot Coco when I get inside. :)

  10. Those are really kool! Awesome job.
  11. Geeze. I wouldn;t even be able to probably put my finger in my eye, let alone a sharp edged rock... Sooo faakkkeee.... lol
  12. I wish I could, but I dont have the time too!

    I could give you my moms account name. Shes very nice, and I think she has a high level. :)

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