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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Two things:

    1. Video looks great!!

    2. OMG You play Tibia!! LMAO. I used to play that years ago! XD great game.

  2. Tyger


    Looks great! I see me!
  3. Lol. I am in Windsor, so I guess I am South... but it is still cold. :)

  4. Usually I hate to admit Canada being the coldest place on Earth, but I bet it is right now. Lol. Its Freezing!

  5. Yeah, its all VERY expensive! Even little things are a lot.
  6. Im about to pop into my French class... Hehe. Not all Canadians know french.
  7. Can we share? But Id like to keep the cloths on her...... at first. Those are very nice outfits, I especially like the pants the look like a skirt.
  8. At school, waiting for my ride. Wishing I had my license.
  9. Im not exactly scared, but I hate Elevators. Especially the old one!
  10. How did you make your Flickr just the little sets?

  11. :( ~comes back as a poking zombie~

  12. Hows things been babe? :)

  13. You have a mighty sweet ride. :)

  14. I die from your pokes and you dont even care! :O! Thats mean... :(

  15. Know what you mean.

  16. Those are very kool! I love the spiderweb one.
  17. Long hair is sooooo annoying tho. lol!
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