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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. Hows it going babe?

  2. I already have my true favorite hair color. I just wish I had a nice hair cut... Thinking about going back to my short hair.
  3. I get that. But I think Windsor (or atleast close to downtown Windsor) should be more aware of what going on across our border. I mean we live 5 minutes drive, not even that, if there was not a border. I think its silly that people dont open there eye. Im not afraid of Detroit, I just never get around.
  4. I would think telling someone that they are gonna get you a gift is silly. And that gift should be surprises in the first place.
  5. I dont live anywhere near Detroit (right across the border doesnt count). I havent been exposed to it, and Ill admit it, Im a very ignorant person. I dont pay attention much to things. I would love to see Detroit as it is, but Ive only driven in a few parts of it. All Ive seen is right downtown around where City is. So its not much.
  6. Hows it going Mr. Suit. :)

  7. Id like to do a bit of both. Id like to go around and capture the decaying parts of the city, and also capture the flourishing parts. I hear of certain places in Detroit growing and becoming safe. Gated communities and such. Id like to document those. I like the decaying parts of the city because in some parts it still has a great amount of history. I like finding things that are still there from the past like ruins and such, so to find places that havnt been touched is what I like taking pictures of.
  8. I love the zombie one! Well, you look like a zombie... Is that real blood?
  9. I missed all the dirty old man fun on saturday?? :( sadness.
  10. So, this morning there was a talk on 89x about having vans go around tour Detroit. Heres the show: http://www.89xradio.com/podcast/0125102.mp3 What do you think? When they talk about a guy taking photos of Detroit I think they mean: http://www.marchandmeffre.com/index.html (I totally want to go to these places)
  11. Ive gone to Ren. fest the last couple of years. Spook, I think I have even seen you there. I dont have any photos of myself I think... We should all go this year one weekend. have a DGN ren group.
  12. Lmao. Thats funny. I have one of those... Havnt really used it. Tried tomatoes tho with it one day, it didnt work. The tomatoes turned into mush.
  13. f0rged is my besty. XD

    Hows things going babe??

  14. Hows it going sweety?? :)

  15. It is a Burger King cup. I was laughing so hard my face turned red and I got really embarrassed, but it wass such a funny pic and good memories for me.
  16. Woo-Hoo! Glad it worked. :) Hows today going?

  17. Did it work??

    I tried to make it be done...

  18. Lmao. Hows it going babe? :)

  19. Its such a sad thing that has happened. A lot of Canadians are there right now. Even some friends of friends of mine. I hope everyone is ok, and that the recovery proses for Haiti is quick. We talked about it in our classes at school, its sad to hear when people say that this could be a good thing (beside the lacking of lives), but they can rebuild Haiti to be a new ecological place, like there doing now-a-days in some places around the world. Think they'll do that at Haiti?
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