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Everything posted by Tyger

  1. We just passed it!!! Turn around!!!!

  2. Doing homework... being sore and tired... v.v
  3. Its really bad these days when you cant even trust your neighbors, let alone other people. But at least you Americans have those web site that find criminals in your area, right? We dont have those in Canada... v.v I would like to know who lives around me thats been convicted of something.
  4. I am quite well. How are you? :)

  5. Almost, just have to pass this wide bend... ;)

  6. Im swell! XD Busy with the holidays coming up. :) Schools ending, and exams are coming up.

  7. Tyger

    Sounds really kool. :)

  8. Day is going good. Tough, but good. Yours?

  9. Tyger

    How does one be in sales in the trucking industry? Do you sell trucks??

  10. Tyger

    Been tiring for me. Every one of my bones hurt... lol. But other than that, I'm in high spirits. :)

    What do you do?

  11. That must have been tough. I live on the second floor on my building. Hehe.
  12. You keep looking at me... but never msg. Makes me sad...

    Hows things going babe?

    Im happy I get to see you Saturday. :)

  13. Tee hee. Tank you. Howd you know Im tall tho? O.o
  14. "ring ring ring ring ring banana phone?"
  15. They can get into anything. And I think, they live for days without any food. The only way to really get rid of them is to hire a bug exterminator company and spray them out. Or either that, get ride of your stuff and vacate the premises for a while... They are so ugly. You can get head lice from leaning against a wall if someone leaned against the wall before you leaned on it... They are sneaky things...
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