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Nate Kriepp

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Everything posted by Nate Kriepp

  1. Broke enough to have extra coffee filters because I couldn't afford coffee or toilet paper so....oh, you guys are smart. You know what comes next.
  2. Until there's a true, viable third-party socialist candidate I'm going Obama. He's hardly the left-leaning scion I'd like but he's closer to it than Romney.
  3. I'm making a custom-built hangover. This wine is a few steps removed from paint thinner but I don't call myself the Human Garbage Disposal for nothin'.
  4. Ok, we're running out of October. WTF?

    1. kat


      Were running out of 2012.

    2. Nate Kriepp

      Nate Kriepp

      Yeah, in a Mayan way?

  5. We're out of food here. Dogs looking plump.

  6. We play with a copy of the Good Book (the Official Scrabble Dictionary, 4th edition). It's dog-eared. Averages are a hair lower for us but the dyslexic one in our group usually cleans house with the bingos. It's her super power.
  7. Yeah? I refer to the Scrabble that I play with one circle of friends as the Eastern Front....it's a titanic clash of ideologies and there are no prisoners taken. It's not the "Oh, look! I spelled a nice word" kind of scrabble. Rather it's the "Wrestle the other person down and bite their jugular" Scrabble. Hmmmmm.......
  8. Intelligence. A sense of humor that borders on radioactive. Creativity. Also someone who can run or cycle with me. Come on, that's on unreasonable, is it?
  9. I play amounts of Scrabble that usually kill rats in laboratory conditions. And I play Risk (both board and also over at conquerclub.com).
  10. Definitely bring someone with you that you trust to do the thinking. It's hard to absorb what's going on when it's about you. Holy hell, I know I'm somewhat of a total stranger but I'm wishing the best for you.
  11. Ladies and Gentlemen, I'd be remiss if I didn't post this here: http://www.drunkard.com/
  12. Multiple comic scripts. One is about a slacker ET. The other is a comic book treatment of the Golem.
  13. Contemplating the four boxes of Star Trek books that I was given tonight.
  14. Heya! I'm going to be in Toledo this weekend (Sept 21 and 22, 2012). Is there anything gothworthy there? Can anyone advise?
  15. Everything's groovy here....actually making dinner and cleaning the house at the same time. Pasta sauce has got to be the worst stuff to use to clean glass. How are you?

  16. Depends on if you're a guest or an employee. I'm thinking Norman Bates here.
  17. Sitting here, wishing that I had the energy to go to the liquor store.
  18. Why am I reminded of that episode of the Simpsons where Homer is the film critic? "George C Scott stars in Football in the Crotch!"
  19. Heh heh, I was asked today if I had a girlfriend and then was asked why I'm single. I got to use my favorite line for such situations, which is "No woman can tame me!" Made me feel all manly and tough.
  20. Holy hell, we're about halfway through with September. Where the hell have I been?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nate Kriepp

      Nate Kriepp

      Yeah, got to run around town with my brother but then came home yesterday and got SLAMMED with ten straight hours of Excel stuff (and more this morning. I know how to party!). I think my boss is trying to kill me!

    3. kat


      Ten hours? Sounds like you are a wild one..lol

    4. kat


      Oh wait, that doesn't sound right after reading it..crap.

  21. Ya know, at my age now and single I really wonder how the hell I'd go about meeting someone in my age range that I like with similar interests...seriously, it's a complete mystery. I feel like I've become a lot more introverted and selective. I used to make fun of people like me when I was younger and now, well, I still make fun of people like me.
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