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Nate Kriepp

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Everything posted by Nate Kriepp

  1. I just picked up an HG Wells collection (the Time Machine, Invisible Man and War of the Worlds). I'm going old school!
  2. I've never liked ZZ Top but the following quote regarding their beards is funny. http://music.yahoo.com/blogs/stop-the-presses/zz-top-recalls-turning-down-1-million-gillette-211209477.html
  3. Whooo! You're my fourth friend! For some reason I'm thinking of the way Hobbits named their meals. You wouldn't object to being known as Fourthsie or something, would you?

  4. Damn it, I clicked there. I just so happen to be reading the Time Machine right now so this kinda fits.
  5. Give 'em time. At least one rude person out there didn't make it to Crooked Eddies Cut Rate Pharmacy before closing.

  6. Well, did people behave today?

  7. Things go well. Things go well. Don't f--k this up, Nate K.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kat


      I tried shattering the lens for a long time..

    3. Nate Kriepp

      Nate Kriepp

      Ya know, when I was a kid I remember seeing a movie in school about the making of a space telescope. They went into incredible detail about he lens and how careful they had to be when making it. There were a bunch of technicians in bunnysuits and masks working around it. All I could think of was being the snotty kid who threw a piece of gum onto the middle of it.

    4. kat
  8. I'm not sure what it is you just said about your car but I'll take your word for it.
  9. Glad I could help....I aspire to be a jester.

  10. Still got me beat. As far as id is concerned, I work with a bunch of PhDs....for the most part they're ok but there's a few among them that act like frickin' know-it-alls. Makes me ill.
  11. But not one of them asked you to be their mechanic, eh? Sexist bastards. Seriously, that kind of behavior is gross. I think you have me beat as far as assholes are concerned.
  12. I walked into my lab and someone was listening to Rush Limbaugh. Instant nausea.
  13. Last day of vacation. Damn.

  14. I'm useless with typing emoticons but the sun is out and the weather is picture perfect (and I'm not at work), so you pick whatever emoticon goes with that. Groovy?

  15. Cripes. Sick today.

  16. I voted for Obama the first time for a variety of reasons but first among them was I was actually voting against anyone who supported the invasion of Iraq. This time around I'm voting for a guy who I know isn't perfect but he's the devil I know.
  17. I just watched He Was A Quiet Man. Didn't know what I was getting into but it was pretty kickass.
  18. When I'm at my most optimistic, it's this song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9iFa_dTcN0&feature=fvst
  19. Troy, thanks for that Cognifit link. I'm gonna give it a spin! Car accidents suck!
  20. I guess I mean that as I get older I feel like I have to second-guess what I see or what I type. I don't read as much as I should so reading comprehension is getting a little fuzzy. And I'm only 42.
  21. I miss being able to think clearly. I'm gonna be one of those old guys who makes no sense.
  22. So while we're talking about perfect partners and such, I sometimes find myself kicking myself in the ass for having let certain ones go in the past. 20/20 hindsight is cruel, especially when I'm forced to consider that I was a different, mostly immature protohuman back then and not the -ahem!- older, more sensitive person I am now.
  23. I do it a lot though I'm a habitual rider/commuter so I guess it's safe to say that I take my bike everywhere.
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