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Nate Kriepp

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Everything posted by Nate Kriepp

  1. I do a comic about a lab rat. And while I love drawing I can't seem to draw a rat well to save my life. I suspect that my spirit animal is a Jack Russell Terrier. Ever watch one of them run around and waste a lot of energy just being a spazz? Yeah, that's me.
  2. Bah! Even if Ian Curtis were alive an well and going on this tour, they're still missing Martin Hannett.
  3. Try to do more art. My boss tries to convince me that the science that we do is an art(the chemistry is quite beautiful actually. I'll see if I can post some pix) but it's not the same as doing comics.
  4. I'm fine with whatever happens here. As long as Nickelback and Creed go away.
  5. I indeed carry. Usually a S&W snubbie .38 or a Walther 9mm. Anything bigger just seems excessive to me. I hope to hell that I never need it.
  6. My favorite part is when he's barking at the squirrel and his chin guns are going off. I have two of those and neither one appears to be housebroken.
  7. So, there is some kind of life in Grand Rapids? Good to know....I'll be living there by the end of July. What does the Sixx Club do the rest of the week?
  8. It's a sign as I prepare to move from Cincinnati to Grand Rapids next month. Jesus can't live without me.
  9. I hide in plain sight. I think!

  10. Guns, knives and action figures. I especially like well articulated pieces and/or robots and aliens.
  11. When VP died, my brother called me and goes "Did you hear Vincent Price died?" I replied that I thought he was already dead. My brother replies "Well, he died again!" True story.
  12. Just hit myself with a bunch of Joy Division yesterday.
  13. I saw it last week. If you're at all a fan of superhero movies and/or comic books, you'll love it.
  14. Servotron runs on the gag that the robots will rise up and enslave humanity. I think some of the guys from Man Or Astroman are in the band. Fun stuff. What other band could write a song titled The Ballad of R5D4?
  15. By the description, it reminds me of Servotron. I think I want to check these guys out!
  16. I saw Shadow Project in Chicago in 1993. Some local rap band opened for them. Kinda surreal. That said, I've been listening to a lot of Rozz Williams branded Christian Death in the last few years. It's a real shame he's gone.
  17. Cyberlox....bionic salmon? I need help on this one.
  18. I second that. I myself suspect that god is sucking on the end of the universe with a giant straw (to get the tasty planets that he likes), but that's just me!
  19. Cool find, MarsDust! Man Bites Dog is one of my favorites. It's all kinds of f--ked up.
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