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Everything posted by Onyx

  1. awww, c'mon. He would just be making sure they were all providing excellent service!
  2. Wow. Looks amazing. I sooo wanted to go but not possible this time. I really hope both bands return soon!
  3. That is actually a very cool-looking animal. I expected it to look sort of deformed but it looks very symmetrical.
  4. haha! Cute kid too. Love the last scene.
  5. I've always loved vampire *anything* ...until Twilight. Not my kind of stuff at all. When I first saw the previews for True Blood I thought it was going to be sooo damn stupid. Bottled fake blood? Southern politically correct vampires! riiight. I accidentally saw just a tiny part of one episode and I was, and still am hopelessly hooked.
  6. Silly woman, trying to get away from a vampire by driving in reverse! I'd say the only thing that saved her is that the vampire was way too hard to bite her when she landed in the canal.
  7. Every time this is tried, it dies and I feel partially at fault because I often will go to Detroit rather than try out any closer events. I hope those of us from this side of the state can support this night, especially since it doesn't interfere with DGN night at City on Saturdays. If a miracle happens and I have enough cash to get my car fixed by then I will be sure to make an appearance.
  8. Welcome to DGN. *drum roll* The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ © Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Where from? Gender? Work? School? Kids? Married? Single? Hobbies? How Did You Find DGN? Other Stuff? Additional ideas / questions: Add yourself to the DGN member map! If you live close enough, are old enough (18+ for City Club) and/or are ever in town you may want to check out: "DGN Night" Or you can find out about other events near your area with the The Events Calender
  9. Mine looked like this, with T-tops, charcoal gray with no markings at all (and no bird decals). I prefer the ones without the firebird markings. Even turning on the headlights was fun, seeing them unfold themselves from the car, heh heh. I'm surprised I didn't break them, playing with them when I first got the car. I loved how sleek the fold-down lights made the car look. It was elegant and beautiful. I loved driving it at night and being able to see the moon beaming down through the glass.
  10. I still miss my firebird. Such a fun car to drive. One day I will have another like her. I wonder where she is.
  11. An age limit? I hope not, because if there is my goth card expired a very long time ago.
  12. I wish this were true. They do still charge you if it's a check or if it's an automatic withdrawal (even if they return the check or refuse the withdrawal). I believe the only thing the legislation covered is that they have to explain the fees and I don't think they charge a fee if it's from a debit card transaction because the card just will no longer allow you to overdraft and the transaction will be refused. It's sad because the folks who can afford it the least are the ones who get hit with all these fees.
  13. Welcome to DGN! I was preparing to do the customary asking of the Welcome Questions but you beat me to it! Good jot
  14. Welcome to DGN. *drum roll* The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ © Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Where from? Gender? Work? School? Kids? Married? Single? Hobbies? How Did You Find DGN? Other Stuff? Additional ideas / questions: Add yourself to the DGN member map! If you live close enough, are old enough (18+ for City Club) and/or are ever in town you may want to check out: "DGN Night" Or you can find out about other events near your area with the The Events Calender Some folk also enjoy our random pot of: Quizzes & Polls ! How did you hear about DGN? Poll And we can always use help finding new friendly people. Help us out and drag em on over! If you have a website / personal journal link to us!
  15. Wow. His father's reaction seemed so genuine.
  16. Wellllll I live 3 hours away and I still participate. Can't see you folks in person very often but I do when I can. You're gonna miss us, so pop back in when you can, pleeeease?
  17. I was just gonna take a quick peek and couldn't stop watching.
  18. Welcome to DGN. *drum roll* The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ © Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Where from? Gender? Work? School? Kids? Married? Single? Hobbies? How Did You Find DGN? Other Stuff? Additional ideas / questions: Add yourself to the DGN member map! If you live close enough, are old enough (18+ for City Club) and/or are ever in town you may want to check out: "DGN Night" Or you can find out about other events near your area with the The Events Calender Some folk also enjoy our random pot of: Quizzes & Polls ! How did you hear about DGN? Poll
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