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Everything posted by Onyx

  1. Holy crap. I had no idea someone could be declared incompetent without their presence, denied a lawyer and drained of all their money in legal fees. Funny how they didn't declare him competent until his money was gone. Same judge too. ======== Songwriter wins fight to regain control of life Danny Tate AP – In this May 20, 2010 NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A Nashville songwriter won a 2 1/2 year legal battle Monday to regain control of his life and make all medical, legal and financial decisions for himself, in a case that drew wide attention to problems that can arise when a disabled person is put in the care of a guardian. The same judge who removed Danny Tate's legal rights in 2007 restored them to the 54-year-old musician who has written a top 10 hit and composed tunes for several popular TV shows. At a hearing that was packed with Tate's supporters, Davidson County Circuit Court Judge Randy Kennedy ruled that Tate is capable of managing his own affairs. Kennedy had declared Tate mentally disabled in October 2007 at an "emergency" hearing where Tate was not present nor represented by a lawyer. The songwriter was again declared disabled three weeks later and put into a locked psychiatric ward after he was denied a request for a lawyer. Advocates for people declared unfit to manage their own affairs and placed in the care of guardians say the songwriter's case is an example of abuses found nationwide. Some of them came to Nashville to monitor the court hearing. The crowd of about 50, many of them wearing T-shirts that read "Free Danny Tate," applauded when Kennedy issued his ruling from the bench. "Of course I'm happy. But it's a hollow victory because I'm (financially) wiped out," said Tate, who was one of the writers of "Affair of the Heart," a hit for Rick Springfield in the 1980s. He also has written music played during segments on "The Ellen DeGeneres Show" and "Entertainment Tonight." Tate had been stripped of his rights after his older brother, David Tate, petitioned the court, saying his younger sibling was in the grip of a life-threatening drug addiction and spending between $500-$800 a day on crack cocaine. David Tate, 60, has maintained that he did what was necessary to save his brother's life. Danny Tate admits he was addicted to crack cocaine when court proceedings began against him in October 2007, but he maintains that he was a functioning addict who was robbed of his constitutional rights and drained of his life savings. Kennedy appointed David Tate as the songwriter's conservator, which is Tennessee's name for a guardian. The legal arrangement was supposed to help the songwriter get clean and sober and protect his finances. The judge restored Danny Tate's rights after three physicians filed a report saying the songwriter was capable of making his own legal, financial and medical decisions. Tate was also able to show that he had tested negative for drugs for nine months. "I'm delighted," the older brother said after the hearing. "You think this was fun? I lost a brother to drugs." The two brothers did not talk to each other in court or afterward. The songwriter testified that his estate had been "plundered" by the legal arrangement. He hasn't accused his brother of stealing his money, only being responsible for a legal battle that cost him his life savings. Tate had more than $600,000 in a money market account when court proceedings against him began in 2007 and was getting paid $125,000 a year in royalties. Almost all that money is gone. Unlike other court battles, where each side pays its own legal fees, a disabled person with money foots the entire bill for the court battle over a conservatorship. Every time a motion was filed against him, the songwriter paid for it. "I figured he'd be let out when he didn't have another dollar to his name," said Michael Hoskins, a lawyer who now represents the songwriter. He said he would fight attempts to sell the songwriter's house to pay for legal fees. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100524/ap_en_mu/us_conservator_fight
  2. I can't read the schedule either. Beyond irritated right now. grr. I asked on their forum that it be posted in another format. I hope they get to it soon.
  3. Onyx


    Wow! Very happy for you (and for the other workers who are being hired).
  4. Yes we do. It takes a bit of travel and visiting other clubs and events to truly appreciate Detroit DJs. (Philadelphia, Chicago, Orlando - Detroit has always beat the hell out of any of them so far in my experience).
  5. Exactly. I'm pretty sure there's still raw sewage standing in the basement too, as well as many many other violations. Who knows what we're breathing in. argh. Why do I go back when I can? I miss you folk!
  6. ho-hum? Really? Somehow I still wanna go. I've never ever seen them live and ..well they have the coolest name ever
  7. Onyx


    hrm... I woke up and no migraine today! yay. hehe. No pain anywhere in my bod right now which is amazing and wonderful. got plenty of mac n cheese made for everyone to eat right now. Yay. Nobody else in house is sick either, yay. (sometimes little things are the very best)
  8. I am really hoping that stuff doesn't get put back on the shelves! ack.
  9. yeah me too. According to their myspace page it's Friday May 28 2010 6:00P Hyatt Regency Dearborn at Fairlane Town Center http://www.myspace.com/abneypark Wish it wasn't so damn early on a Friday. No way can I make that drive and be there in time to see them. They couldn't have picked a worse time for those of us who aren't right there in town :(
  10. Onyx


    yay, thanks for the thread, and the freakangels link. fun stuff.
  11. Man, it's irritating as hell that there is still no schedule posted this close to the event. I am going to have to choose only one day and I have no idea which day to choose because they still have not finalized their schedule. grrrr
  12. Odd, yes, but beats the hell out of other convenience store commercials.
  13. Damn! From what I saw when I visited (which was about 7 years ago) it used to be huge :( I had so much fun on that trip.
  14. I travel as often as I can. I love my TomTom. It's easy, accurate most of the time and I can't see the point of doing without the convenience.
  15. well, it actually looked interesting until I saw the trailer. (and the trailer really shows so much of the movie I'm wondering why many would bother watching). ***spoiler (but nothing you wouldn't see if you watched the trailer*** I like scary - scary=fun, but this one just looks like someone with a poo fetish got some financing and disguised it as a horror movie.
  16. It's already passed I know, but I wonder if they should have just required more ventilation rather than banning smoking completely? I really hope it doesn't affect business too much, though one of the reasons I have not been to CityClub in a long while is the ventilation problems. I may be there a lot more now that I don't have to go home with my clothing and hair saturated with smoke smell and feeling sick at the end of the night. If there is enough air flow it isn't as bothersome, but I've even heard heavy smokers complain in there. Even smokers need oxygen. It gets really suffocating sometimes and the way it hung in the air it was obvious there was little to no ventilation happening.
  17. It was a really really fun time. Sound was good, comfy club, lovely eye candy everywhere Got to meet a few of you and it felt sooo good to get out! I've been to concerts in several cities, but Detroit crowds are always, always the best, most enthusiastic, and the most fun.
  18. Only many many speeding tickets. Really have been trying to slow down, but I soooo love to drive fast on the freeway.
  19. Very true! I visited NYC and I met some awesome folks (even tho I was sort of expecting the stereotypical "rude NewYorkers" I actually met only friendly interesting people). There is this type of thing, both good and bad, everywhere you go. I think it's true that in NY you just hear about it more from more media coverage. So very sad that nobody bothered to even try to help him. :(
  20. Even if they supposedly thought she was not underage, they certainly knew she wasn't all there when she gave them most of her money and they went ahead and took it from her! Assholes. "She also said the girl suffers from mental disabilities. Detroit Police Chief Warren Evans said the girl had worked at the club two to three nights a week for the past two months, earning more than $350 a night. Evans said she would turn over most of the money to the club for the privilege of dancing and to tip the DJ and other employees."
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