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Everything posted by Onyx

  1. hrmmmm well. Speaking as a moderator, we go to great lengths to limit any interference on this board unless there is a clear, outright personal attack. Speaking as simply a member, I really think you may be overlooking quite a few real, sincere, uncensored opinions and advice here. Please jump in and contribute your own also. I've seen some awesome discussions on this board (particularly during this past year) and actually changed my own views about some things from reading through them. It would be a boring world if we all agreed, all the time.
  2. hah! I love this guy. "No, I'm not a pessimist. At some point the world shits on everybody. Pretending it ain't shit makes you an idiot, not an optimist."
  3. wow. He would have made a more effective point if he had skipped the comment to his teacher to jump off a bridge, but after all, he's only 10. I don't like the way the school handled it. "At the end of our interview, I ask young Will a question that might be a civics test nightmare for your average 10-year-old. Will's answer, though, is good enough — simple enough, true enough — to give me a little rush of goose pimples. What does being an American mean? “Freedom of speech,” Will says, without even stopping to think. “The freedom to disagree. That's what I think pretty much being an American represents.” Somewhere, Thomas Jefferson smiles."
  4. Damn! Your house sounds like heaven. Will you adopt me? I hope to have an account and more time to play this summer so will revisit this thread then.
  5. Been saving pennies for awhile, going tomorrow, with my daughters. 3d - bonus! Very happy.
  6. I also use and love AVG. Have had nothing but problems with Norton products in the past. First thing I did with all my computers including my kid's laptops when I got them was carefully root out all traces of every single Norton product and install AVG.
  7. Only made it once, but twas very fun.
  8. One of my favorite scifi series. A bit cheesy at times, yes, especially in the low-budget season 1 episodes but quite fun.
  9. I used to feel that way, thinking it would take courage to end it that way. I know a few fairly painless ways to commit suicide, so physically it would be easy, but thinking on it more, I've changed my view. I'm sure a lot of us have been on the brink of suicide. It takes extreme strength of will to not take that way out, to continue on and try to make things better or shake your fist at the world and at least see what kind of hell you can raise along the way. One thing I have learned in this life is that things can change for better or worse in a matter of days, and you really never know what turns life could take. To me, when you are facing the desperation that drags you down into that hellish place, it's the decision to continue living that takes courage.
  10. Sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself. I also lost a baby years ago and it's a difficult experience.
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