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Scary Guy

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Scary Guy last won the day on July 10 2017

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About Scary Guy

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Location
    Detroit, MI
  • Interests
    atheism, computers, goth shit, firearms, music
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Troy, when it was the Spiral boards

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  1. You can trust anyone you want. The only question is whether or not they're deserving of that trust. No risk = no reward. As such you have to let yourself be vulnerable sometimes and realize that all people will let you down eventually whether it's intentional or not. The frequency that it happens is what's important.
  2. Sorry, I don't check this as often as I should. Anyway document everything (although it sounds like @Trene4000already has been from her post.) It's okay to cry and break down, but not in front of them. Never give them the satisfaction of seeing you crack. If anything I'd go out of my way to piss them off, but I don't like being that guy either (and as such I'm not very good at it, except sometimes when I'm not intending to be.) I try to only help those whom deserve it, but that's often hard to judge. Seeing how someone treats other people is a pretty good indicator of whether or not they're worthy. Sociopathic narcissistic asshats are very much not worthy. I hope things are going well for you guys.
  3. I will say it isn't all bad yet though. We survived four years of the orange asshole. We might survive another four. All is not lost, until it is. There are those on that side that are going to do everything in their power to take and keep that power though. Instead of the illusion of a one party system masquerading as a two party system, it really will just be a one party system. People are talking about actively moving out of the US and renouncing their citizenship, or revolution if it comes to that. The woke and DEI scare tactics of the Russians, Chinese, and others have set in. They have been trying to debase the USA for decades now ever since the world wars and I think it's really starting to pick up steam. All isn't lost yet, but it's currently 90 seconds to midnight, and that number is decreasing all the time. We just have to wait and see. If people hit their breaking point by losing their comfort and convenience (and possibly their food/housing) then people may be held accountable for their misdeeds. Also the president is now a convicted felon so... LOCK HIM UP!
  4. Probably start around 8 though that's not set in stone. I'll be there with some of my MPLC and Libertarian friends hanging out. ALL are welcome to come party (well 18+ unless with a parent or guardian.) There is no cover but it'd be nice if you bought some food/drinks to support the place. It's been a shit year and then next... four (at the very least) aren't looking much better. Come and party until they try to take that away from us too! https://chaddsbistro.com for more info.
  5. Sometimes I think like that, and then I remember that it'll get here eventually and there's no need to rush things. Maybe if I had chronic pain (I mean more than emotionally.) There are times though when I have a great night and forget that's there though. Also lots of friends would be sad if I wasn't, and my goal is to outlive as many of them as I can so they don't need to feel sad (and my enemies so they don't get the satisfaction of living in a world without me in it. Spite is a great motivator.)
  6. Ah but you forget I exist! It's okay, I'm used to it. “Yes. Yes. Zathras is used to being beast of burden to other people's needs. Very sad life. Probably have... very sad death. But... at least there is Symmetry.” - Zathras
  7. Who hardly knew about it? I've been hearing about it since I was a kid in various media. But that was bound to happen when you're attracted to postapocalyptic dystopian hellscapes.
  8. Getting ready for a friend of a friend's birthday party.
  9. I just heard from Ulf. While we had our issues it is still sad to hear. I knew she had some major health issues like 10 years ago so it isn't a complete shock to me. Makes sense it was on a Friday the 13th though. I will update the list :( UPDATE: I heard from a friend (so this is hearsay, but I trust him very much) that she had an aneurysm in the supermarket and just dropped instantly. So at least it was quick and painless.
  10. > New > I literally played this 20 years ago at the club. No this is off of "Welcome to Earth" which was released in 2000. This also mixes well with Covenant - Dead Stars (about equally as old.)
  11. Well it happened, understandably but it still sucks. I hated them both so I was going to be unhappy either way, but I do admit I hate Trump slightly more because of the narcissism, egomania, xenophobia, and misogyny. On top of that that insufferable base of his who think that they are free to act the same way now that he's won. The apologetics from them were horrible too where they handwaved away legitimate criticisms, and mocking those who brought them with "orange man bad!" or saying that they have TDS (Trump Derangement Syndrome) which honestly sounds like what MAGA are infected with. The one good thing to come out of this is punk music is going to absolutely rock for the next few years. However I really just have one question... https://www.loudersound.com/features/andrew-eldritch-sisters-of-mercy-will-make-another-album-if-trump-is-elected IT'S HAPPENED TWICE NOW ANDY, WHERE'S OUR FUCKIN' ALBUM‽ Well, I guess at least I'll get to keep my guns.
  12. Another example, and another Yet another! (scientifically made to be bad even!)
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