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Scary Guy

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Status Updates posted by Scary Guy

  1. Emacs > VIM


  2. Wanted to follow but you do so much that anyone else is effectively drowned out.

    Anyway hope you're doing well.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Scary Guy

      Scary Guy

      Oh, no not at all!  You are free to use the forum as much or as little as you like.  I don't think you're required to do a minimum number of posts though since you already do so much anyway, but you do whatever makes you happy.


      I just meant I was trying to follow everyone who was following me and everyone else got pushed way down in the feed.

    3. TronRP


      Actually, MODs have a separate set of rules regarding DGN...😅


      When I first signed up, I told Troy, Phee, torn asunder, Storm Knight and Chernobyl (at the time) that I would be living here and DGN might become my publicly, private, personal daily journal.  A couple of them found that to be amusing.


      In 2012, when I would post, there was a lot more activity on the board.  Now (see Board Domination Week thread) DGN does good to see 7 actual members per month.


      So yeah, I currently dominate. :biggrin:

    4. Scary Guy

      Scary Guy

      Yes, I'm sure they did at one point.  I suppose it still technically applies too.  In actuality though I doubt anyone would care if you toned it down (not that you should, I'm speaking hypothetically here.) When I say I don't think you're required.  I know there are specific rules in place.  I'm just saying you'd be free to ignore them and I doubt anyone would bat an eye other than maybe "OMG Tron stopped posting, I hope she's okay!" (this has happened to me with other friends online I talk to daily.)

      Personally I archive things on my own computer as I don't really trust systems controlled by others.  If it's a system I control, well backups are still a good thing anyway.

  3. Wooo, first comment! Welcome :)

  4. Oops, nm that was the birthday list, not the users online list. Oh well.

  5. "Last Seen: 1st June 2006 - 11:01 PM"

    I was going to say it's odd seeing you online on here. Hope you show up more regularly.

  6. Hey, can you update the circus obscene event or delete it so I can create one that I'll regularly update? Thanks :)

  7. Yeah not a problem, just throw me a buck for gas if you can.

  8. I submit to you that you should come out to Dead-Line because I hate City Club and don't want to go for legitimate health reasons.

  9. Collide - Whip it 4:03

    I was thinking this would be perfect but maybe it's overdone? I don't know but I love DEVO and all DEVO covers!

  10. I don't know which mod deleted most of e-jewell's comments but seriously, lay off my profile since it's my profile. It's not like they were all that bad.

  11. Yeah I just saw it actually and made two replies. That link I threw in was specifically for you so you could see one of the two previous shit-storms that got me on mod review the first time.

  12. lol sorry. I told you siding with me was unpopular. Although a lot of people seem to want me to stay, which does make me feel good.

    I still say mod review=ban since I won't put up with it and go away, Troy knows this, it's a self imposed ban.

  13. It's quite brave of you to side with me because mine is often the unpopular one. I'm hated by many and liked by few. I'm happy to add you to the list of the latter.

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