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Scary Guy

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Scary Guy last won the day on July 10 2017

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About Scary Guy

  • Birthday 01/01/1980

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  • Location
    Detroit, MI
  • Interests
    atheism, computers, goth shit, firearms, music
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Troy, when it was the Spiral boards

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  1. Well it happened, understandably but it still sucks. I hated them both so I was going to be unhappy either way, but I do admit I hate Trump slightly more because of the narcissism, egomania, xenophobia, and misogyny. On top of that that insufferable base of his who think that they are free to act the same way now that he's won. The apologetics from them were horrible too where they handwaved away legitimate criticisms, and mocking those who brought them with "orange man bad!" The one good thing to come out of this is punk music is going to absolutely rock for the next few years. However I really just have one question... https://www.loudersound.com/features/andrew-eldritch-sisters-of-mercy-will-make-another-album-if-trump-is-elected IT'S HAPPENED TWICE NOW ANDY, WHERE'S OUR FUCKIN' ALBUM‽ Well, I guess at least I'll get to keep my guns.
  2. Another example, and another Yet another! (scientifically made to be bad even!)
  3. Meetup link Just me spinning some Halloween themed music, probably focusing on a mix of New Wave and the classics, depending on the crowd. Costumes not required but are encouraged. Hope to see y'all there!
  4. Haven't seen @TronRPin a while. Hope you're okay. There are a lot of other people on here I haven't seen either though. While some of those can rot, I hope the rest that I actually like are okay too.
  5. Fuck, that's what I get for not reading this more often DON'T TOUCH IT! Testdisk is an amazing data recovery tool. It's possible it could still find that data. How it works is the information isn't really gone when a file is deleted until that space is overwritten with new data, so it's possible to recover that data until that happens. Even most of the simple data recovery services just start with that. Also Windows 11 sucks, for multiple reasons. Get yourself a copy of "Windows 10 LTSC" and it shouldn't force the upgrade (or just switch to Linux Mint which is much better anyway and can run most of the same programs or at least an analogue equivalent.) You can also turn off the forced upgrade option with Win10Privacy too, which is basically just a nice user interface for a bunch of PowerShell commands and Windows Registry settings. If you ever want a hand with it let me know, I'm fairly good at what I do. @Stucan attest to that.
  6. Thanks, though I might not make it out. It's also cute how you can see the fbclid tacked onto the end of that URL. Facebook always tracking us even if we don't consent, fuck them. DJ Benét? I wonder if he'll sing too :P
  7. That sucks, I hope it gets better. I am looking forward to the Discord meetup tonight (if you're up for it that is.) I'll be there assuming I still remember in 12 hours.
  8. You have any details for us who have Facebook blocked?
  9. There are worse things to be known as. Anyway... "In addition to my other numerous acquaintances, I have one more intimate confidant. My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known~no wonder, then, that I return the love." ~ Soren Kierkegaard
  10. They have meds for that :P Honestly I need to try me some of that Adderall one of these days. I'm a bit scared to though because I might actually do something.
  11. I know a Japanese-American girl. I do not know if she actually speaks it or not though. She's dating my friend Kurtis. Though I imagine you could go out to eat at a Japanese place and just strike up a conversation with people and see if anything sticks. Anyway... I miss my car :( You lose a lot of agency without one, and soon it will be too cold to bike.
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